speed screw or cam

What are the differences between speed screws, like those sold by Sinclair, and cams? I don't mean the mechanical difference but functionally. Both get you from the sighter to the record target quickly I guess, but is one better than the other?
Sinclair Speed Screw ...

I've only used the Sinclair speed screw and I can tell you it is smooth and fast. I know plenty of shooters that use the same screw and I don't hear any complaints. I have "never" seen anyone use a cam. Maybe this answers your question.
I have both and prefer the cam for group and the speed screw for score shooting. The cam when set up is faster and doesn't wobble but the speed screw allows you to go up and down on multiple targets
I started with a plain rest, and got a speed screw. It was okay... Then I got a Dunrud cam, and -really- liked it... But the Farley blew both away...
Cams are...

I've only used the Sinclair speed screw and I can tell you it is smooth and fast. I know plenty of shooters that use the same screw and I don't hear any complaints. I have "never" seen anyone use a cam. Maybe this answers your question.

Cams are used by many group shooters and were developed before the Farley rest. The Farley has replaced many of the cam assisted front rests. At the next match you attend look on the back on some of the conventional rests and you'll see a few (look for a little lever). They are handy to move very fast between the group record target and sighter. Almost worthless for score shooting though.


What are the differences between speed screws, like those sold by Sinclair, and cams? I don't mean the mechanical difference but functionally. Both get you from the sighter to the record target quickly I guess, but is one better than the other?

you a PM.
IMHO, they are actually detrimental for score - Makes things too hard to move through all the targets. A joystick rest, like Seb's, is a little more expensive, but provides more versatility.