Specs for Kelbly dovetail?


Jay Idaho

A friend wants me to make a special base for him, he uses the Kelbly rings. Is there a spec for the Kelbly/Jewell dovetail? I'm looking for something like: "dimension over two .150 diameter rolls should be .500/.502 for a .250 dovetail height". That is how most toolmakers and machinists would dimension the dovetail.
I don't have any of the rings even if I were happy with the "make 'em fit" approach.


Jay did you get what you need? I can take some measurements if you still need them.
Try .625 over a pair of 1/8 dia. dowel pins. That might be a tad tight if he wants them to slide easily but the rings stay tight. Might want to go to .620 for a free sliding fit.
Joel and Gary,

One fellow emailed that he uses a height of .200 and goes for a .625 over .125 diameter pins. A small flat on the top corners insures that you have clearance in the corners of the female dovetail.
Anybody want to check the dim's on a BAT or Kelbly male dovetail?

Thanks for the inputs and offers of assistance.


I emailed you a cross section view. I use .632 over 1/8 inch pins with a height of .195--this would be .626 if height was .2

The rings need to be spread with a shim to get on--but it minimizes ring distortion
