speaking of "being played like a fiddle".....


oft dis'd member
From the breaking news tonight "Worried residents in Watertown, a suburb about 10 miles from downtown Boston, were ordered to stay indoors and turn off their cell phones out of fear that they could trigger improvised explosive devices."

I'm telling ya's, I'm awestricken at the deep-seated level of control this goobermint has attained. This selling of fear is a visceral tool, and it WORKS.

For the ignorant masses.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste" has never been truer!

I think I'ma' go down to the shop tomorrow and see can I trigger a kettle of Whistle Pete powder with my phone eh...... maybe I can TEXT it into exploding.......

We're just not that far removed from dancing widdershins under the moon eh.

"whistling nervously"

The way it works is that the cell phone is used as a trigger. Current from the speaker is used as input to a low voltage trigger. The LVT is used to spark a blasting cap.

So, yes, you could text, call or email the phone used. You can do the same thing with a walkie talkie or anything that generates current on some signal. Garage door opener. Motion activated lights. Yadda-yadda.

But, the reason they gave the residents is hokey.

They *might*, and this is pure speculation, want the law abiding citizens to turn off their cell phones so that they can see what signals are left. The idea being that the much smaller pool of signals remaining is easier to sort through for the bad guys.
YEs and Bam Bam wants to use executive orders to register and keep us from obtaining our firearms.
The government will protect us YEah Sure"" wheres my body guard ? the politicians all have one or more .
where are they????
My point was recently proven soooo correct by the knife wielder in the Texas college.
If a person does not have or can not get a gun he will use whatever he has at hand to do as much damage as he is capable of. So its not about guns its about idiots, nuts and flakes.
Politicians with pens can be Even more dangerious'
They can write Laws to exterminate you, prosecute you for any reason they may dream up. constitution or not if enough of a facest majority took control of our government
it could happen. history repeats itself if you don't remember the past. Germany was duped into voteing in a regime that did just that.
We always must be vigilent on whom we elect to office.
This could happen and maybe to a lesser degree right now. If people ran for election in a popular party claiming to be defenders of the constiution and after election.
with a majority of his party really sticking to a specific agenda of just the opposite, we could have a real mess on our hands .
As a citizen you have an obligation to keep a close eye on the Politicians. The framers of the Constitution knew this and warned us of what might happen.
AKA [unscrupulis Politicians] sorry on the spell
This security won't let the spell check work'''' '
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I find it interesting the hush up of no one knowing the motive for the bombings.
Interviews with an uncle who yet claims not to have spoken to the boys in several years became angry when it was suggested that it could have ties to Islam or extremests.
The news and enforcement agencies have said little or nothing yet.....

Seems this is being ignored or covered up at least at this point.
I find it interesting the hush up of no one knowing the motive for the bombings.
Interviews with an uncle who yet claims not to have spoken to the boys in several years became angry when it was suggested that it could have ties to Islam or extremests.
The news and enforcement agencies have said little or nothing yet.....

Seems this is being ignored or covered up at least at this point.

I don't think it's a "hush up," in fact, if anything it's a sign of good reporting NOT to jump out with suspects/motives/guesses before time. Witness that poor kid in the news who's scared to go to work because his pic got spread as a suspect by gun-jumping headline grabbers....
;););) NY, Mass., Conn to ban pressure cookers TOOLS of TERROR..... No more home canning folks..... :eek::eek::eek:

When pressure cookers are outlawed.....only granny's will have pressure cookers......who would have the gonads to go to granny's house to confiscate her arsenal of Presto pressure cookers?
That't easy Health care enforcers, or what ever the xxxx for the special group created by the xyz act is.
Quote Originally Posted by aka Hunter View Post
I'm not a fan of politicians; however, I prefer them over bad guys with bombs and guns.

This makes me want to vomit,

but it does make my point better than I can!

We're in trouble here....


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Nor will they enjoy either.....to relinquish your security to others is to become their servants.
[P]oliticians can be bad guys with potentially worse consequences than any bomb or gun toting bad guy so your comment elevating a politician as a better person to have over a bad guy with bombs and guns could cause one to want to vomit.

If my comment makes one want to vomit one should rethink one's position. No politician in this country has the capability (within his or her official role) to wreck the kind of carnage that bad guys with bombs and [or] guns wreck every day in this country. As for what a majority of politicians can do (excluding sending young people to war), to think they're going to wreck that kind of carnage is delusional.

BTW, what "potentially worse consequences" can be inflicted than to set off a bomb at someone's feet?
Surely you're right

In the short term you are absolutely correct. For the long term...perhaps there are some Jewish folks that can better answer as to how politicians can indeed be worse than a few bad guys. Maybe somebody that escaped Waco...will chime in....

My_dam_self is just sittin' here doing nothing either way hoping it will all go away on its own.
I guess some people just either didn't get any history lessions or forgot about WW2 in germany and Waco too.
I saw the whole deal on TV , Waco was a extermination, plain and simple. The press was issued false information as to the reason for the assault on the branch dividians .
That was out of control government with Clinton and Janet Reno.
I saw clear as a bell the pyrotechnic being employed from that APC, Just imagine an armoured personal carrier busting thru you wood framed house'
Machine guns in the helos fireing down on you, CS gas being sent thru your windows . A Regular Nightmare to say the least.
Oh they did fight back with a hunting rifle or two.
I guess some people just either didn't get any history lessions or forgot about WW2 in germany and Waco too.
I saw the whole deal on TV , Waco was a extermination, plain and simple.

My bad, I was thinking politicians in this country; you know, those who have to deal with the constitution. As for seeing the "whole deal on TV," if you saw it on TV you obviously have all the facts.

As for an extermination, that's what bad guys with guns and bombs do -- so how could politicians present a greater danger?