Speakin' of losing info


cook and bottle washer
A long time ago I wrote half an article about what you needed to get started in benchrest shooting. It was in the "article" section and I lost it in the move.

Does anybody have a copy of that crappy article?

I'll be devastated to learn that nobody has it saved on DVD....but I've prepared myself for that by pre-purchasing two bags of Lindor truffles.
Gary that was freakin' amazing!

What else you got in that wayback mochine?

How far back are you archived?

That's not my backup - the wayback machine is the internet archive. It started about 1996 but a lot of the old stuff is gone. It hasn't been brought up to date in a long while so I think it may be faltering. Wouldn't do any good for me to archive - most of the time I can't remember where I put my shoes! Hope that will help Wilbur though - he sure does enough work for us.
Gary that was freakin' amazing!


Gary, I am with Al on this one. That nothing short of amazing. My bench article is even there. Thank you.

I would say the combined knowledge of those who post here could solve almost any man made problem.

Concho Bill
The printer versions of those articles seem to be intact. I printed a pdf of it but can't seem to attach it so I emailed it to you.
For the record, around my house this is refered to as "Dumb Sh&$ Dad Knows" !

I thank you many times over! Elmer thanks you more because I've had him boltin' up old disk drives looking for it. He finally asked - "why are you so intent on finding that half written piece of ...."article"? I didn't have an answer but you saved the day. Glad I finished off those Lindor truffles up front....