steve stanley
Well-known member
Congrats to all involved at Ashe co in putting on a good match in trying weather, rained most of the time Friday through Saturday night. They have nice facility and the people worked hard to make the match a success and to make the shooters feel welcome. The match was well run and the food was very good. The range is tough,especially at 300 but some very good scores were shot. James Parham won the 100 with a 250-25x score, John Bosley won 200 with a 250-12x score, and John Bosley also won the 300 with a 250-4x score. Since John was the only one to shoot clean at 300 the Grand wasn't hard to figure, John won it with a very nice 750-37x score. Great shooting guys and congrats to the winners and the club for a job well done! Partial results are on the IBS website and complete results should be posted soon.