Southern Ohio benchrest Shoot



Dave Horner will have is annual shoot, Oct.23rd 12noon.
It will be a 3 target match on the old br-50 targets Unlimited type guns. Their will be plenty of beans cooked over a open fire and BbQ pork for any questions feel free to call Dave @ 740-778-2563 . Location is 2061 Bloom Fce. RD. South Webster Ohio.Hope to see you all there.

You have your 40X ready for this match ???
Might be a fun a time at South Wester...well always was.:)
South Wester Bean Shoot

Think I'll come down to visit...
I always like that range. and the beans were alwys good.:)
I do want to see your 40X's. What barrels are you running on them ?
Wish I could make the shoot but I hope to get there in time for some good campfire cookin!
I always look forward to shooting at Dave s , Nice place, Good Friends, Good shooters, Good food , Great host ! Thanks Dave .
South Webster Bean Shoot

Sounds like a good turn out is working up....:)
Not for sure Larry But I will bet you $100 they will be watching it! Dave put a big TV in at the range.
Larry, Dave said if the game is on direct tv you will get to watch it!!
Bait:py rimfire action ,JLG,have you had a look at this action yet ??