South Fork Rifle Club IR 50/50 & ABRA Match info



With the range project, we now can offer .22 rimfire sanctioned matches. These matches are fired at 50 yards. The 50 yard berm has been extended for the use of this. It is planned that there will be 15 firing points.

There are 2 sanctioning bodies for these matches, they are IR 50\50 and ABRA. The difference in these is, the IR50/50 is for Unlimited Benchrest .22 Rifles, and the ABRA is for .22 Autoloading rifles fired from the benchrest. There are 4 classifications for the ABRA and those are; Unlimited Autoloader, Factory Autoloader, Outlaw Heavy Bolt rifle and Outlaw Light bolt rifle.

If anyone is not aware of the rules and regulations and needs an explanation of them they can contact Jeff Lloyd.

The dates and times of these matches is as follows:

IR50\50 matches ABRA Matches

April 27 at 9:00 AM May 25 at 9:00 AM

June 22 at 9:00 AM July 13 at 9:00 AM

August 24 at 9:00 AM September 28 at 9:00 AM

October 5 at 9:00 AM

We look forward to offering these matches. The firing times of the matches makes the conclusion of the matches will be by 1200 or so on these Saturdays. The Range will be closed until all firing has concluded on these days.

We hope these .22 Rim Fire matches are well attended and will add another shooting outlet for the members and the shooting community. The .22 Rim Fire 100 Yard Benchrest League will still be hosted on Monday evenings with firing for score to begin at 5:00 PM. Hope to see everyone at the range