South Fork Hog---Results


We got todays match in. The weather did not cooperate but we pushed thru. One of the fellas said "rain is an element and the elements are our friends." But he didn't say anything about rain and WIND! Next match is July 12th. Then we are off to W VA. on July 19th for first round of the 2015 Egg Cup Challenge. Come on with us for info check out.

Western Pa Long Range Groundhog Match
Jack Balon 6 BR 50 49 46 145 1
Mike Redin 6 BR 50 50 45 145 2
John Shoeman 30 BR 50 48 40 138 3
Jeff Farmerie 300 WSM 50 47 40 137 4
Ron Hollen 6.5x284 50 47 40 137 5
Ron Gresco 243 AI 50 46 39 135 6
Mike Redin 300 WSM 50 42 42 134 7
Ed Rethi 6 BRBS 50 44 40 134 8
Jeff Gates 6 BRX 50 45 39 134 9
Ron Hollen 6.5x284 50 43 40 133 10
Ron Hollen 300 WSM 49 47 36 132
Paul Besterci 6 BR 50 46 36 132
Rich Gregorchik 6 BR 50 46 36 132
Rich Gregorchik 6.5x47 49 46 36 131
Gary Ash (Red) 6 BR 49 45 36 130
Kevin Hite 6 BR 50 49 31 130
Greg Shaw 6 BR 50 44 35 129
Jack Balon 6.5x47 50 48 31 129
Joe Reffner 6.5x47 50 43 35 128
Bob Horten 6 BR 50 44 34 128
Martin Naworol 300 WSM 50 43 34 127
Jeff Farmerie 308 50 43 33 126
Denny Ramaley 6 Dasher 50 46 30 126
Ted Farabaugh 300 WSM 50 44 30 124
Barry McCombs 6.5x284 50 43 30 123
Gary Ash 6 BR 50 48 25 123
Branden Shaw 6 BR 50 46 24 120
Therese Hollen 6 BRX 50 44 24 118
Joe Sita 6 BR 49 44 20 113
Martin Naworol 30x47 50 40 16 106
Mike Scites 6 BR 47 39 18 104
Craig Myers 6 BR 24 45 29 98
Dan Penrose 6.5x47 50 27 20 97
Dan Penrose 6 BR red 48 36 6 90
George Polenik 6 BR 0 0 0 0
Vinnie Heiss 6.5x284 0 0 0 0
Austin Boring 6 BR 0 0 0 0
Chris Zimmerman 6 BR 50 43 44 137 1
Larry Henry 6.5x47 50 50 30 130 2
Martin Naworol 6 BR 50 50 29 129 3
Jack Neale 6 BR 49 39 31 119 4
Denny Ramaley 6 BR 50 44 25 119 5
Larry Henry 6.5Grendel 47 42 27 116
Harold Peters 308 DPMS 50 43 34 127 1
Harold Peters 308 SPS 50 38 38 126 2
Denny Ramaley 260 50 43 33 126 3
Don Corl 308 48 38 39 125 4
Paul Scanlan 260 47 41 30 118 5
Denny Ramaley 308 49 42 26 117
Don Sipes 223 50 44 20 114
Chris Zimmerman 308 49 38 24 111
Gary Stahlman 243 46 41 20 107
David Rhines 243 43 27 X 70 1
Vinnie Heiss 308 36 10 X 46 2
Jared McCombs 6 BR 50 45 46 141 1
Paul Scanlan 6.5x284 47 44 36 127 2
Denny Ramaley 6 BR 50 43 26 119 3
Joe Fox Sr 6.5x284 47 37 12 96
Ken Stasvkinas 6 BR 40 24 29 93
Joe Fox SAV-2 50 43 25 118 1
Joe Fox Jr SAV 47 41 26 114 2
Dave Wyland SAV 37 42 34 113 3
Ron Gresco SAV 46 28 24 98
Gus Redin 6 BR 50 48 X 98 1
Chase Heiss 223 46 31 X 77 2
Connor Heiss 223 38 20 X 58 3
Therese Hollen 223 40 36 X 76 1
Kevin Hite 223 36 30 X 66 2