South African Open Classes


New member
Listed below are our National Body's rules for the Open Classes. The intention was to create more shooting opportunity for us. They may not mean anything in terms of the official WRABF classes but the reasoning was that while you are at the range you may as well do some extra shooting. In the past we complained about driving for hours to get to a range, shoot LV and HV and drive back home.

We used to do the scoring at 50 meters with the RF 50 m target but decided to move to the 25 m target at 25 meters. This will give shooters who don't have the 30fpe guns at least a chance to also participate in this class. 50 meters for a LV gun can be tough at times.


4) Scoring - Unlimited Air Rifle Class (4.5mm, 5.0mm & 5.5mm) – is a air rifle having any firing mechanism, a weight restriction of 15 lbs or 6.803 kg is set (including attachments – scopes, muzzle devices, etc). Any air regulator can be used as long as it is integral within the air rifle. Any modification may be made to the rifle and any magnification scope may be used. Factory stocks or stocks that meet “Stock Clarification” rules may be used (see APPENDEX G). Return to battery shall not be permitted. Muzzle brakes, muzzle flips, barrel weights or harmonic tuners are permitted. There is no restriction on cylinder size or capacity as long as 40,67 Joules or 30 ft/lbs maximum power is retained and it is integral within the rifle. (Separate air cylinders are not allowed, the cylinder must be part of the rifle and the overall weight). Shooting distance 25m using the 25 meter WRABF target. (All calibre scores plugged by .22 calibre gauge).

5) Grouping Unlimited - Air Rifle Class (4.5mm, 5.0mm & 5.5mm) – is a air rifle having any firing mechanism, a weight restriction of 15 lbs or 6.803 kg is set (including attachments – scopes, muzzle devices, etc). Any air regulator can be used as long as it is integral within the air rifle. Any modification may be made to the rifle and any magnification scope may be used. Factory stocks or stocks that meet “Stock Clarification” rules may be used (see APPENDEX G). Return to battery shall not be permitted. Muzzle brakes, muzzle flips, barrel weights or harmonic tuners are permitted. There is no restriction on cylinder size or capacity as long as 40,67 Joules or 30 ft/lbs maximum power is retained and it is integral within the rifle. (Separate air cylinders are not allowed, the cylinder must be part of the rifle and the overall weight). Shooting distance 50m using the 200 meter centre fire grouping target. (5 Targets of 5 shot groups for an average group size).
Thanks Gert,

That's interesting to try the 25 m target at 25 m. with Open 30fpe rigs... Why not the rimfire guys do it! .. but..

We have been mostly trying the 25 m target and 1/2" dot test target at 50 yards for score just like it was at 25 meters.. one shot per bull. LDs' club sometimes shoots the A36, at 50 yards for points, then goes back and makes three shot groups out of that first shot... I played that game with them a couple times and it's sure fun.

Personally, I'm leaning toward just using the same 25 meter target we all use now, and simply moving it back to 50 yards and scoring it the same. That way we can all get blown away if someone shoots a 250 at 50 yards.. 30fpe or not... it's not gonna be easy. I feel great when I can break 220.... 235 is totally impressive to this newbie.. Give it a whirl folks, and let's see some scores posted:)

Wacky Wayne,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range
High Power Class

Quick glance looks like you guys are not allowing one piece rest and are at a lower maximum power than the U.S I have hopes that the World Organization will establish a standard couple of classes for High Power. I am not in favor of laying out the big dollars for a one piece rest. I would think that using the rules in place and simple power limit addition such as the 12 ft lb and 20 ft lb. just have say a 30 or 35 and unlimited and maybe allow the one piece rest in the Unlimited.


I for one, are with you on the one piece rests not being allowed in the "Open" Class. But they would be fine in "Unlimited" class.
Ever since I talked with Gert at the Worlds, I was leaning toward using the rules they had developed already, in hopes of having some kind of contests in that class in the future. I guess the chance of the World body creating an Open 30fpe class is slim, but I'd like to hear from Bill where it stands now and what might happen in the future. It seems that most of the shooters at the worlds shot the Rim Fire game after the Air gun relays, so they own and travel with firearms.. why can't they also add a 30fpe air gun to their stuff. I understand they have to get a "firearm" permit for a 30fpe rig, but they do that already for their rim fire guns. Why not add the "Open Class" in the world games?

Wayne Burns,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range
Originally Posted by WSUstudent
What are the best schools in Gauteng area? What would you recommend? I'm a student at Walter Sisulu University (on a tight budget) having some free time in summer after my customwritingcompany internship (5 weeks).

There's a training school in Broederstroom, Gauteng > Long Range Shooting SA.
Here's a list of their courses:

Advanced Fundamentals & Wind Reading Course
Long Range Shooting Fundamentals Course
Estimation of Unknown Distance Targets in Unknown Wind without the Use of Electronic Apparatus Course
Reloading Course
Engaging a Moving Target