Sound Damper


Lucky Shooter A

I’m looking for ideas on how to make a cheap and effective sound damper for test firing rifles into the ground.

I’m thinking about using an old plastic trash container, 5-gal paint bucket or large cardboard box stuffed with carpet pad scraps or old rags.

I'd appreciate hearing how others have done this.

A. Weldy
We had one in gunsmithing school where you shot thru a rubber flappy thing, down a hole lined with tires.

BAD idea :) I'm a Charter Member of the school so was there when it was built and it was in use when I left.... it's since been dismantled. Or did it dismantle it'sownself? I disremember the story. But the unburnt powder collected in the hole became a problem.

Any more recent graduates of Pine Tech here on the board??? Maybe they can tell you about it.

I can't recommend shooting down a hole, long term. And this shooting hole wasn't quiet by any means.

So, yeahh, I'd try the trashcan thing, into a berm or open hole. I've shot thru rolls of Pink Panther fiberglass batt insulation wrapped in chicken wire and found it to be quiet. Again, I'd only do it outside, or throw the roll away after a few thousand rounds.

We used to dirty barrels the night before a hunt by tossing an old cushion on the ground, resting the muzzle on it & letting a couple of shots off. Watch out for buried utilities.
Watch out for buried utilities.


I live on acreage.... we make NOISE... we shoot and blow stuff up.

So one day my 3-son was making HE and testing progressively larger charges out in the yard, several hundred feet from any buildings, when the septic alarm went off.



I'm checkin' it out, first thing I notice is that up in the well house almost 400ft away the pressure gage is hanging limp, twisted the needle RIGHT OFF....And we realized he was thumping the ground about 30ft from a buried 1" water line! With almost a mile of buried water line around the yard I really have no idea how many leaks we may have sprung....sure seems like the pump runs more than it used to.....

New Rules!

We now suspend the charges on stumps, or do airbursts :)
Thanks for the replies

I live inside town limits but the woods behind my place are in the county.
I have the land owners permission to do this on their property. The land owner doesn't object to the noise but doesn't want bullets flying around and we both agree that quieter is better because of complaining neighbors.

This won't be a frequent thing-----don't do many barrels in a year.

I'll come up with something easily portable so I can walk off my place and be done in a couple of minutes.

Dave, I appreciate your equation-----never thought about unburned powder. Thanks.

A. Weldy