Soth Georgia 7-13-14 Results

The fog was so thick that I could barely see my Sporter target. As the morning went on, the fog thinned out to overcast skies. It stayed cool until after the match was over. All in all, it was a great day for a shoot. Mike Cameron shot a blistering 250-23X, and Bill Smith shot a 250-20X. Congrat's to all the winners and THANKS! to all who helped with the match.
IR 50/50 Sporter
1)L. Worthy Jr. 248-15X
2) Bill Smith 248-14X
3) Mike Cameron 247-12X
10.5 lb.
1) Mike Cameron 250-23X
2) Steve Lloyd 250-17X
3) Mickey Law 249-12X
13.5 lb.
1) Bill Smith 250-20X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 250-13X
3) Steve Lloyd 249-11X
1) Mickey Law 249-17X
2) Mike Cameron 249-12X
3) Bill Smith 248-15X
1) Richard shorter 249-16X
2) Mickey Law 249-16X
3) Steve Lloyd 249-14X
1) Mike cameron 249-17X
2) Steve Lloyd 249-16X
3) Richard Shorter 249-12X