I have been following this forum for quite some time and have learned a great deal. I have a question about weighing cases verses accuracy. I know that different case volumes will have a direct effect on the combustion if you will of the powder charge. Just how close do you sort by weight? Would sorting within 1 grain be good enough or would it have to be taken down to .1 grain? My weighed cases weigh between 187.5 to 189.0 with most being around 188 grains.I use a NECO gauge and sort by concentric then weight and by the time I'm done there's not a lot left that are exactly alike after culling. How much difference in accuracy are we talking at 100 yards? By the way the shelf life of unopened unrerigerated catsup is 1 year. Opened unrefrigerated 1 month and opened but refrigerated is 6 months.
Thanks: Crosshair
Thanks: Crosshair