Something new to try

Boyd Allen

Active member
I while back I tried this, with excellent results. I mixed Ponsness Warren STOS (which an old friend once told me stood for slicker than owl s----), and and HCPL grade of HBN. Using a laminate sample for a palette, I used one of those small pocket clip screwdrivers that are given away for advertising, for a scoop, and put one measure of the HBN and as much of the pale yellow, transparent, synthetic grease as it took to mix up all of the powder. I scraped it back and forth, making a sort of paste, and used the screwdriver to apply it to the shroud threads, and cocking cam, plus a thin film on the back of the locking lugs of my Viper action. The result is that even though I have a fairly heavy firing pin spring, by benchrest standards, the bolt cocks with a pleasing lack of effort, even though the trigger timing has been stretched slightly out of perfection, to give a 10% longer striker fall.
'Don't know, nor did he specify what particular kind of owl, or what diet had been used in the testing procedure. I suspect that he was referring to standardized owl poop, tested at standard temperature and pressure, on one of those things that rubs against a hardened bearing roller. (This being one of the more obscure results of the creation of the metric system that did not make the cut, probably because teachers found it convenient to leave out of their curriculua due to the undignified nature of the name, and unsanitary nature of demonstrating how the standard was created. There was also the issue of keeping a reverence owl, that had been on the proper diet, for the requsite period, handy.) I will have to inquire of Posiness Warren just how they arrived at proof of their claim. Now that should be an interesting conversation.
I just got off the phone with the nice lady at PW, she asked "how long since you ordered this stuff?" I replied at least 15yrs....probably twenty. I first got the stuff from gunsmithing school in the early 80's. Restocked maybe once???

"Well be prepared! They added a white color that slowly turns yellow over time, it REALLY looks like owl now! Can't use it for lipgloss any more!"


Guys'r always getting this thing...............

confused, its Slicker Than Owl S---, yes; But there is nothing Slickern' GREASED Owl Snot.

Now, There are some specialized ways of harvesting this product, but it can't be discussed on a family forum....;)