Some Times it doesn't have to be Serious!

Tom Libby

New member
Some times it doesn’t have to be Serious!

I know that just doesn’t seem to penetrate some shooters mind and that if they can get the edge or jump on a shooter to move up one more spot that putting that whoopee cushion under his seat really gets to him and tries to bite it like a mad dog to show that this is a very serious sport. I can understand that because have worked very hard these past years to take this sport as far as I could to win. It’s just that all the voices in my head can never get together at one time to focus.

Now you take this last shoot at Visalia, CA we had. Great weather, great group of guys all focused on trying to get that wood by the end of the day. ( I brought my own so I didn’t have to try as hard!)

On Sunday after lunch Walt Berger was not looking so good and seemed to be having a problem, he said that he thought it was the beans he had for lunch (Texas size) and he was turning real white, so we talked him into going to the local urgent care to be checked out. Gary Ocock and Jeff Welker drove him to be checked out.

Now we were ready to start the third match at 100 yds. I noticed that Gary’s rifle and some ammo were on the bench in front of me. Now the Voices started talking to me Hummm should I ( yes ) I shot my group then went to Gary’s and shot his group and then went back ten benches and shot Jeff’s group. I did that for the fourth and it was the fifth match before the range officer and scorer were very confused as they saw the targets shot but they knew that they were gone. That’s when Dennis Thornbury came over to me with a grin and said did you shoot their groups (up to this time no one noticed) (see how focused they were on trying to get that one more spot) Yes I said they made me do it (the voices).

Well it was not right to keep someone from placing higher than they should due to the fact that they were shooting against someone not their. But when it was over that LITTLE OCOCK STILL CAME IN SECOND! I can’t even beat him shooting his groups for him.

They came back with Walt and all was ok, the Doctor did a rubber glove on Walt pushed the beans through and said he was good to GO!

Hey Tom.
We have not met. But, I would like to comment.
That was very Big of you.
I am just a New guy. So it may not matter.
I am glad Walt is okay. I saw that Walt was at the last Super Shoot. That is good. It was my first Super Shoot. Lotta fun.

I got informed in Jan. about the rules. First NBRSA VFS at WWCCA. I was helping the Target crew. Just 1 guy. It's 20 degrees and snowy. The Region Director was there.
After the 3rd. match. He let me know. That a competitor can't touch the targets. I was just helping out. Didn't know I had violated some rule. So I set the targets down. No biggie. All was good. :)
I guess, we were doing a local match in Dec. In Jan. it was registered.
I had even brought 1.5 doz. doughnuts..... Just trying to help.
Some other guy said he was going to DQ me. This was a joke. A couple of people laughed.
All good.
I was 4th. 249-12X. :)
But, the RULES are the rules.

Tom. I think, we just snitched ourselves out. ER, something......
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It figures you would be the guy to initiate the "Chinese fire drill" at a BR match. Well done !
Now, if your gun malfunctioned you could borrow Jeff's and finish your group,Jeff could run out of ammo cause he bailed you out,then it would be up to Gary to save Jeff and if Gary didn't have enough loaded ammo to finish his own group( with your assistance) it would be "all your fault", but then you could always blame Walt for the whole mess ! DNQ,DNQ,DNQ,and DNQ :)
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Amen to everything you said, Tom!!

I'm a new shooter and was at the Visalia match. While I did not notice you shoot Jeff and Gary groups, I am not surprised one bit. Tom, one thing I have learned from you (among many), is that this is all about fun and recreation. Sure, we do our best to win and spend money to be competitive. But as soon as you take this sport too seriously, it becomes a chore and you loose all perspective of what is truly important. Thanks, Tom, for the reminder and for being an example of a true sportsman.

Amen to everything you said, Tom!!

I'm a new shooter and was at the Visalia match. While I did not notice you shoot Jeff and Gary groups, I am not surprised one bit. Tom, one thing I have learned from you (among many), is that this is all about fun and recreation. Sure, we do our best to win and spend money to be competitive. But as soon as you take this sport too seriously, it becomes a chore and you loose all perspective of what is truly important. Thanks, Tom, for the reminder and for being an example of a true sportsman.


That was poetic. :)
Now that I think about it,
Libby didn't do anything wrong( how's that possible ?)except maybe a breach of protocal by getting up from his (and other)bench(benches)before the cease fire command.Hardly enough to be DNQ'd for.The good guys(Gary and Jeff) get DNQ'd for not showing up for their relay. Walt(who should probably watch what he eats a little more closely)gets DNQ'd for excessive digestive byproducts. Somehow, none of this seems fair ? Who was cookin' lunch ? That's the guy who should get DNQ'd.
Tom libby

Considering that you are probably a bean counter of sorts, maybe
you could have just helped walt out with onsite therapy.
It is just a game after all. Class act my friend and dittos to no one protesting.
The other side of the story.

As Ocock and I drove to the urgent care with Walter in tow, it occured to me that I should have asked Libby to shoot my remaining targets. Apparently the same voices that were speaking in my head were also talking to T3. Once we determined that Walter was going to be OK and we returned to the range, I was happy to find out Libby had finished my targets. The thrill was short-lived when I discovered that the first target Tom shot for me measured 1.285". The next measured .846 and the last a more respectible .524. When I confronted Tom with the obesse groups; he quickly informed me that my trigger, gun and bag set-up all sucked :eek:

Now let's see; I use the same stock and scope as Libby. My trigger is the same as Ocock's (Tom shot small with Gary's gun). I did agree with Libby that my rear bag was less than perfect - stroking his ego :rolleyes:

It quickly became clear to me that Libby was giving Ocock the Hall-of-Fame/Benchrest Celebrity treatment and I got the newbie tough luck program. I had no choice but to file a protest for Libby having way too much fun while we were gone :D

This is one of the primary reasons I shoot at Visalia. Dennis runs a great match and I always have a bunch of fun. What started out as great concern for Walter's health, turned into lots of smiles in the end.

Tom loaned me one of the many rear bags from his Edgewood collection and the gun did definately shot better.
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Ha Tom.
I know you shot for Gary and Jeff but you forgot to shot groups for Walt!!! :)

In all fairness to Tom, he had to reload for Gary and I in addition to shooting our groups - a clear case of multi-tasking. I think Walt's bench was at the other end of the line and he uses a Chargemaster - just not enough time.

Add in the fact that Libby was wearing a dress and it becomes clear that shooting four groups each relay was too much for even the Clown Prince of Benchrest :D
Good on you Tom. We met at the WBC in Phoenix in 1997; I was a member of the Australian Team, but you would not remember me.

There are shoots that require the utmost attention and concentration, but we should never lose sight of the fact that if we are not really enjoying something than why are we doing it? I love benchrest shooting - I have been at it since 1975, and have met some of the finest people I know here in Australia and overseas.

In fact, we have a shoot down here that has only ten rules, and the tenth says simply that "Any competitor found not enjoying themselves will be disqualified."

Keep up the funny antics mate, more power to you!

Brendan Atkinson
in South Australia
Ah yes, Tom Libby the face of Benchrest. What would the Super Shoot be without him. I have to side with Gammon on this one though, only 2nd place for Ocock, you are slippin even if you had to reload for three rifles between relays:). In all seriousness keep up the good work and the excellent posts. Glad to hear Walt is doing alright.