Some Pics of Our Rimfire BR Rigs

Is that the same company that makes the powder dispensers?
They don't advertise them for several reasons. You can get them from Dan Killough or Ron Hoehn.
Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!!!

Oh, Butch Lambert makes tuners, too.

I'm glad I can make an unbiased decision. LOL :D

If you went to a match or a big match like the Nationals every rifle would have a Harrell tuner or a von ahrens tuner. Those are your choices. They are sold by Charlie Scott, Ron Hoehn, Dan Killough.
I'll check out the Harrel. I like their powder drop that I own.
Since I'm selling my PPC rig I have to sell the Harrel powder thrower also.
Also how many flags do you guys normally put up for 50 yards score matches?
Just sold my 6 ppc and looking for a rimfire to compete with. Anybody have something?