Some pics from the SuperShoot


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The HOF's

Joe Krupa entering the HOF. Congratulations Joe!



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Some of those pictures were just WRONG...

1) Didn't see a single penguin, eskimo or polar bear in them.

2) No pictures of ducks drowning.

3) No pictures of golf carts lifting off in the wind or even of the Giant Fan.


Seb - forgot to ask you - can your rests have their tops "rotated" a little, to enable a "slightly sideways" rest plant? (for instance, my current rest has one of the three sides parallel to the side of the bench).
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Okay okay, they were wrong....then how about this...

The Red Head Society...just a different sight/part of the shoot - the lovely ladies

Or maybe this...another pic from my visit to the States.

And 1008 yds prairie dog - May 27, Gillette/Wyoming
This is the longest shot I have ever been done! I spent many rounds to get this little critter, actually. Wind was gusting. You can see the suburban just off of my left shoulder, that's where "xphunter" & I set a portable bench there.

Strange you call it "dog"...they're not like a dog at all to me!

Chuck, it can. I could see my neighbours target by moving the rear bag to the left & right a bit, and it was wider view when I loosen the hold down screws on the pivotal base.

PS: I am sorry with my last pic, Wilbur.... I'm just too excited here.

Again, I really enjoyed my trip to the USA...WHAT A WONDERFUL COUNTRY!!!....seb.
Seb, I take it you just make a 1K prairie dog shot on your first time at the critters? And that's a pistol-poodle-shooter?

Seb, are your sure it was not 1100.8 yards not 1008 yards?
I've killed PD's at about 800 yards but I never hit the one I was shooting at!!
It would be a poor critter that was visiting the one I was shooting at.
Thanks you for the words, Wilbur.
I saw your name in the SS 2008 competitors list but it's a pity that you didn't come so I can't say hello or shake your hand there at Kelblys...I hope we can meet someday, mabye next year...?

Interestingly/fortunately that PD was just standing on the mound while I shoot it, so I had chance to shoot it for many times/rounds. I did NOT shoot it in one shot for sure, but more of trial & error & doing "Kentucky windage" thing before I hit it. I almost gave up because I have never shot that much for an animal before.
My friend Ernie Bishop (xphunter) used his range finder (a Swarovski) to check the distance. Ernie is great man/friend, and he have shot PDs over than 1 mile with his specialty handguns. He was sitting right behind me with his spotting scope and always helps me to make the adjustments. Without his help/assistance I could not get the PD.
I forgot his question once we arrive/find the dead PD...something like "are you ready to know the distance?" (or so) if I remember correct, and then confirmed me that the distance = 1008 yds. I forgot everything at that time, lol! I can't believe it myself, but it happen anyway.
I got some PDs, ranging from 150 yds or so to 1008.
Again, thanks Ernie!....seb.
Great shooting Seb

That PD would have been way safe with me shooting at 1008 yds!

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia
Things have changed at Kelbly's since 1977!

Have only been there once so far, but hoping to get there for SS next year.

Is that Ferris Pindell standing next to Tony Boyer in that pic Seb?

He is a great guy, treated me like along lost son, even insisted I come to stay at his house. But I think that was just to have someone to kick butt playing pool!

Rob Carnell
Sydney, Australia

Yes, that is Mr. Pindell standing next to Mr. Boyer in that pic.

If you decide to come to the SS next year, I will offer you to use my gears need to bring your own rest & bag, too!
Interestingly/fortunately that PD was just standing on the mound while I shoot it, so I had chance to shoot it for many times/rounds. I did NOT shoot it in one shot for sure, but more of trial & error & doing "Kentucky windage" thing before I hit it. I almost gave up because I have never shot that much for an animal before.
I got some PDs, ranging from 150 yds or so to 1008.
Again, thanks Ernie!....seb.
Seb, that is really good shooting even if it took 20 shots to get the wind and elevation at 1000 yards.

Remember when we were standing in line for the door prizes, what I told you about the American West, that you got to Gillette would see we are not over populated---yet.

Now that you and your lovely wife know the way to Kelblys, we hope you both can come again.