Does anyone know if solid copper or lead core bullets wear out a barrel more rapid then the other. Don't know if it makes any difference at all?
FOLKS; The laws of Physics continue to be valid in rifle barrels. Lead is malleable, solic copper and derivitives are not. The early attempts to shoot solid bronze and solid copper bullets resulted in obvious over pressure, even firearm distruction. This should enlighten all. The solid non-malleable bullet, hereafter refered to as solids,create more friction within the barrel, creating more heat. The more often you shoot thru the barrel the more it heats. This in turn creates a situation where stress cracks and erosion can accelerate barrel wear. Note that the tables supplied by the suppliers of the solid bullets do not specify how valid their tables are for elevated chamber and barrel temperatures. Those who wish to prolong barrel life need to shoot conventional bullets. Those with match grade rifles need to petition their game and fish folks NOT to forbid the use of lead and jacketed lead bullets. Futhermore, loading solids to maximum velocity might surprise you on a hunt. Consider the high friction situation exaserbated by a dirty barrel on a hot day. You cannot be too cautious with this technology, either old or new. Of course, if you shoot 6 rounds a year, 3 for zero and three on a kill, you may never notice barrel wear. That is likely what the solid manufacturers are counting on. Your interests are reliability and longevity. Theirs is profits. Amen.