Joe Friedrich
On Sat. 9-8-12 open practice will begin from 9:00am till 3:00pm. For those that will be attending practice your rifles will be checked for weight and power after the session is over. The remaining competitors, rifle weight and power will be Sunday after check in. All benches and relays will be drawn on Saturday.
Below is the paired competitors:
1) Linzie B. and Brian D.
2) Jim H. and John C.
3) Tim M. and Patrick F.
4) Doug M. and Vipha M.
5) LD, and Matt S.
6) Art and Bill T.
7) Roger L. and Jim D.
8) Jim C. and Stu H.
9) Matt L. and Russ H.
10) Matt K. and James B.
There will be a group picture and short meeting before the matches begin. Schedules will be posted on the wailing wall.
Schedule for Sunday 9-9-12:
7:30am check in.
8:30- 8:40am relay 1, target 1 setup. Note: there will be a 4 minute sight-in for this relay.
8:45am commence fire command.
9:15am cease fire command.
9:15 - 9:25am relay 2, target 1 setup. Note: there will be a 4 minute sight-in for this relay.
9:30am commence fire command.
10:00am cease fire command.
10:00 - 10:10am, relay 1, target 2 setup.
10:15am commence fire command.
10:45am cease fire command.
10:45 - 10:55am, relay 2 target 2 setup.
11:00am commence fire command.
11:30am cease fire command.
11:30 - 11:40am relay 1 target 3 setup.
11:45am commence fire command.
12:15pm cease fire command.
12:15 - 12:25pm relay 2 target 3 setup.
12:30pm commence fire command.
1:00pm cease fire command.
If you are done shooting before the allotted time, Please quietly pick your rifle up and proceed to the pre-staging area. If you run into any issues while shooting please let the range master know in a quiet manner.
Lunch starts -- 1:00pm
Protests: A $2.00 fee for each protest, only your targets can be protested. You will be given 10 minutes to review your targets after all targets have been scored. All scores will be final after the allotted time.
There will be a wailing wall where all targets will be hung along with updated scores for each competitor. No targets shall be removed during the match.
Awards to follow and more pictures.
Open Grove Benchrest
Below is the paired competitors:
1) Linzie B. and Brian D.
2) Jim H. and John C.
3) Tim M. and Patrick F.
4) Doug M. and Vipha M.
5) LD, and Matt S.
6) Art and Bill T.
7) Roger L. and Jim D.
8) Jim C. and Stu H.
9) Matt L. and Russ H.
10) Matt K. and James B.
There will be a group picture and short meeting before the matches begin. Schedules will be posted on the wailing wall.
Schedule for Sunday 9-9-12:
7:30am check in.
8:30- 8:40am relay 1, target 1 setup. Note: there will be a 4 minute sight-in for this relay.
8:45am commence fire command.
9:15am cease fire command.
9:15 - 9:25am relay 2, target 1 setup. Note: there will be a 4 minute sight-in for this relay.
9:30am commence fire command.
10:00am cease fire command.
10:00 - 10:10am, relay 1, target 2 setup.
10:15am commence fire command.
10:45am cease fire command.
10:45 - 10:55am, relay 2 target 2 setup.
11:00am commence fire command.
11:30am cease fire command.
11:30 - 11:40am relay 1 target 3 setup.
11:45am commence fire command.
12:15pm cease fire command.
12:15 - 12:25pm relay 2 target 3 setup.
12:30pm commence fire command.
1:00pm cease fire command.
If you are done shooting before the allotted time, Please quietly pick your rifle up and proceed to the pre-staging area. If you run into any issues while shooting please let the range master know in a quiet manner.
Lunch starts -- 1:00pm
Protests: A $2.00 fee for each protest, only your targets can be protested. You will be given 10 minutes to review your targets after all targets have been scored. All scores will be final after the allotted time.
There will be a wailing wall where all targets will be hung along with updated scores for each competitor. No targets shall be removed during the match.
Awards to follow and more pictures.
Open Grove Benchrest