Snow, is anyone else seeing it?


Dave Shattuck

It doesn't really matter, but since yesterday I have been having this snowfall happening across only the BRC Forum screen and was wondering if anyone else was seeing this, or if there is a way for it to be stopped.

Dave Shattuck
Don't worry Dave, it'll melt in May!!!


Phil aka tazzman (in Québec where we have two seasons, winter and near winter!)
My bad..or good...whichever

I set that snow up for the Christmas theme and it blew over to the other themes. Didn't discover it until I changed themes and hit a drift almost killing a spammer bot.
I set that snow up for the Christmas theme and it blew over to the other themes. Didn't discover it until I changed themes and hit a drift almost killing a spammer bot.

Come'on Wilbur you big sissy, get your skis out, areas are open up here. Most fun you can have with your clothes on.