Sniper King results July 5-7th 2024


Club Coordinator

SK24 SW AK winners Small.jpg

Sniper King Match Report July 5-7th 2024​

Hi all,

Our 80th Sniper King / Sam Wilson Memorial match is in the books. Tacoma's Sniper King event, the oldest continuously awarded trophy in Benchrest, was held on the July 5th, 6th and 7th. Awarded annually since 1944, the winner receives the trophy based on the smallest 10 shot group shot at 200 yards. Shooters had 15 opportunities to shoot that one small group. Originally, this was shot with heavy barreled bolt action rifles. Currently most shooters are shooting rail guns in Unlimited class. There is a pretty impressive list of benchrest shooters on that one trophy.

Our course of fire was 200 yd 5 shot /200yd 10 shot groups on Friday, with Saturday being all 200 yd 10 shot groups. Sunday was 100yd 5 shot /100yd 10 shot groups.

Bryan Zolnikov beat them all this year with his .252" 10 shot group.

  • Congratulations to Duke Rovarino for winning the Agg King trophy this year with a .2074" 10 shot agg @ 200 on Saturday morning.
  • The Sam Wilson Trophy was won by Gary Ocock, shooting an incredible 2 gun agg of .1952".
  • Gary Ocock won the 10 shot unlimited grand agg with a .2080".
  • Gary Ocock won the Double 200 10 shot unlimited grand agg with a .2384".
  • Jeff Crose shot an incredible 100 yard 5 shot agg of .1472" Sunday morning.
  • Duke Rovarino won the 200 yd 5 shot agg with an amazing .1473" agg
  • Jeff Crose won the 5 shot unlimited grand agg on Sunday with a 1667".

Small group award winners this weekend were:

Steve Kostanich, Paul Weaver, Jeff Lewis, Larry Boers, Gary Ocock, Duke Rovarino, Jim Lynn, Ken Parsons, Mustafa Bilal, Chuck Miller, Bryan Zolnikov, Jeff Crose, Eric Stanton, and Doug Ruble.

We had a great potluck dinner on Saturday night. A huge thank you to Mustafa, Jeff and all who contributed. It was a perfect opportunity to visit with guests, spouses and friends!

We are very grateful for the great turnout for our match, and Gary Ocock championing our range and gaining support for attending this match. We welcome all the out of town shooters with open arms.

Our Shooter of the year is attached. No surprise Super Jeff is out in front. Time to make your move people!

Thanks to Dan Kjelland for tabulating our SOTY stats.

And lastly, I`d like to bring your attention to the great crew we have behind the scenes: Geoff Hallett, Robin Blanchard, and Mark Henderson all played huge roles in our successful match.

Our next match will be August 3rd and 4th, the Sporter and Light Varmint NW Regional. We hope to see you there.

Shoot small,



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