SMGC Mattawan MI) Air Rifle USARB benchrest matches up and running. Next match Sept 5


Our next USARB match at Southern Michigan Gun Club is September 5. We open the gates at 8:00 am, and start the registering process and doing bench draw and setting flags. We start the match at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30 am to get a bench and get registered. We may be running 2 relays, we will utilize bench draw the best we can to accommodate all shooters. We are set to shoot 2 25 meter matches, 3 targets each.

See you there,

Reminder, we will be shooting this Saturday, Sept 5 at 10 am. if you are sick or have symptoms of "The Virus" please stay home, otherwise be considerate of others and maintain social distance, and or wear a mask. See you all there, travel safe.