SMGC Air Rifle USARB sanctioned match (Mattawan MI) Next match October 3 10am


Our next USARB match at Southern Michigan Gun Club is October 3. We open the gates at 8:00 am, and start the registering process and doing bench draw and setting flags. We start the match at 10:00 am. Be there by 9:30 am to get a bench and get registered. We may be running 2 relays, we will utilize bench draw the best we can to accommodate all shooters. We are set to shoot 2 matches the first at 25 Meters, the second at 50 Yards, 3 targets each. Bring any necessary equipment to do that. This will most likely be our last outdoor match of the season. The club will run 50 foot matches indoors through the winter, and I'd like to start outdoor matches in May again. It has been a real good shooting season, all restrictions aside. Thanks for coming out and supporting our program.

See you there,

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