Sliding extractors...where to buy..?



Guys.. I bought an XP100 with a custom cone nose bolt..I dont know the has three gass ports along the body...and it has the T-slot type sliding extractor...I want to open it up from PPC (.440) face to a BR (.473) face...and I want to buy a new extractor with the correct radius...
Who sells them..?? the one I removed has a slot width of .310" and block width of .250"

any ideas.??

Eddie in Texas
Eddie, open the bolt face to BR size and leave the extractor alone, you should be able to extract either PPC or BR that way. If you have to do anything to the extractor it might be to radius the top of it so that the case will slide it back when the bolt starts closing on the head. It's probably a Burns bolt.
Thanks Mike...the extractor looks kind of generic..I thought someone made a replacement..I have looked at several websites, but they don't list spare parts for thier bolts...
Interestingly this bolt has and excentric shape behind the bolt lugs..(Borden Bumps)..

Eddie in Texas
Eddie, You might call Kelbly's and get an extractor from them. The problem is that where the spring hole is located has more to do with how the extractor fits in the bolt than the general size and shape of the extractor. I have quite a few extractors that I've removed from bolts and plugged to put sako extractors in for ejector benchrest rifles. A lot of them measure about .310 across the widest part, very few are .250 across on the narrow dimension. My guess is these came out of CPS bolts. I think the ones that came out of Pandas are .210 across. Before you replace the extractor, I'd open it up to fit the BR case head and see if the extractor you have will work with the BR. I've opened up PPC bolts for BR's and left the original extractor in place. They will extract PPC's or BR's. The problem you run into with sliding plate extractors and a more or less universal bolt face is that when you use a PPC, it won't eject reliably with a pin ejector. The sako extractor makes it eject into the round part of the raceway and works better with an ejector pin.