Slick or super slick bags

Been playing with my rest setup. Now I have a couple question. How slick or freely slide of the rifle in the bags is important? Can the bags be too slick or have too much free recoil? Has there ever been any tunnel testing on how slick or freely the rifle should slide in the bags?:confused:

Thanks Chet
Bart and Billy have gone back to leather and baby powder. Given that they have probably tried everything else, and how well they are shooting.....
Thanks Boyd
That's a good reply I did notice that Billy was using leather bags and powder at the East West shoot this past weekend. The reason I ask is that I want to know what other think and just a good question to ask ( two heads always better than one). I have tried all styles and have all kinds of bags but never set down and really tested to see the difference.
I think you'll find that there is no difference. Folks tend to like whatever produced the best agg regardless of anything else. There's not a problem with that but I'm just sayin'. Too many factors involved to make a call here....