The paste wax is the release agent. I've been using Johnson's Paste Wax for about 40 years and have never had one to stick yet. I put it on everthing, in every nook & cranny, screws, screw threads, inside the action, I mean everywhere. In the areas the bedding is going to touch, I buff the first coat smooth, then apply a second, let it dry and buff it smooth. This gives a nice glassy finish in the bedding. Reading different sites on bedding, one guy uses neutral colored Kiwi shoe polish. The normal release agents I've seen leave a heavy film and not real smooth. I don't like the finish they leave at all.
By the way, they do still make Johnson's Paste Wax, despite what most places tell you. Ace Hardware, & Do It Best carry it or can get it. There are a couple others but you will have to go to Johnson's web site to find them.