Skim Bedding Technique



What is the proper technique for skim bedding on an HS full length aluminum block? Do you do the recoil lug pocket at the same time? When setting the action on the fresh skim bed, how tight (torque) do you pull the action into the bedding compound?
Sell the stock and get something else is my first step.

Hate alloy bedding blocks!
What is the proper technique for skim bedding on an HS full length aluminum block? Do you do the recoil lug pocket at the same time? When setting the action on the fresh skim bed, how tight (torque) do you pull the action into the bedding compound?

I don't know if there is one "proper" technique but this has worked well for me.

I place masking tape around the barrel at the forend of the stock, enough so the barrel is held in the middle of the barrel channel and the action lays in the bedding block level with the stock. Sometimes a bit of aluminum needs to be removed if the action doesn't want to center with the barrel centered.

I only use the rear screw and I do not tighten it... it is used only to align the action with the screw holes.

I use masking tape on the front, bottom and sides of the recoil lug for clearance after bedding.

I use plain old paste wax for release agent.

I clean and rough the bedding area a bit with coarse sandpaper.

Then a layer of epoxy in the action area... use the rear screw loosely and squeeze it into the stock with your hands and let it set up...
Thankyou gentlemen...I have skim bedded using both action screws in but I like your technique Dennis...
The paste wax is the release agent. I've been using Johnson's Paste Wax for about 40 years and have never had one to stick yet. I put it on everthing, in every nook & cranny, screws, screw threads, inside the action, I mean everywhere. In the areas the bedding is going to touch, I buff the first coat smooth, then apply a second, let it dry and buff it smooth. This gives a nice glassy finish in the bedding. Reading different sites on bedding, one guy uses neutral colored Kiwi shoe polish. The normal release agents I've seen leave a heavy film and not real smooth. I don't like the finish they leave at all.

By the way, they do still make Johnson's Paste Wax, despite what most places tell you. Ace Hardware, & Do It Best carry it or can get it. There are a couple others but you will have to go to Johnson's web site to find them.
Ben, I never thought about buffing the wax to create the nice finish on the epoxy...excellent tip! Thanks

I wasn't implying you didn't use some sort of release agent. It just a reminder to me, the dumb a$$ that had everything right there to skin bed my Hall, and proceeded to place the prepped action into the stock and wrapping it with Surgical tubing only to see the release agent sitting there unopened. Hope I don't need to work on the trigger anytime soon.
Ohhhh crap, that would have to totally suck.

I caught hell just getting one screw out on one my brother did and forgot to put wax on his screws. One of them got epoxy on it and made itself a home. I finally got that one out by placing a high wattage soldering iron on the head and holding heat on it until I got it broke loose. I would hate to know I had to get a whole action loose.