What are opinions on the value of the Sinclair priming tool that normally sells for $119.75? It is on sale now for $107.88 (10% off). I may load 200 - 300 rounds at a time, and would think this would take a long time with a single seater such as this one. ??? I have never used a hand primer, hence the question. On the other hand, a RCBS APS strip type primer, with strip loader, and a set of strips is about $80 from MidSouth, and over $90 from Midway, which is getting close to the Sinclair price. But then, it loads faster.
I could use my Forster Co-Ax press (in transit), which always seats the primer .005" below the case head. But, I would expect that due to manufacturing tolerances, it may not always be desirable to seat primers to a fixed depth, but rather, seated to a depth that seats them properly (depth from case head may vary). I would be seating primers for 223, 308, and 6mmBR.
- Phil
I could use my Forster Co-Ax press (in transit), which always seats the primer .005" below the case head. But, I would expect that due to manufacturing tolerances, it may not always be desirable to seat primers to a fixed depth, but rather, seated to a depth that seats them properly (depth from case head may vary). I would be seating primers for 223, 308, and 6mmBR.
- Phil