Sinclair cleaning Rod Holder Wall Thickness?




Could someone out there measure the wall thickness of their sinclair cleaning rod holders? I hate to sound like a cheapskate but $19.00 seems like an awful lot for a piece of aluminum tube. I may be way off base hear but I'm thinking I can make the same thing for around $10.00 paying retail for the material. Mine will probably not have the the fit and finnish of the sinclair but it will be functional.

Thanks for the help.

Actually if you look at Lowes or Home Depot they have a product called CPVC which is smaller diameter and works extremely well for a rod case!


Could someone out there measure the wall thickness of their sinclair cleaning rod holders? I hate to sound like a cheapskate but $19.00 seems like an awful lot for a piece of aluminum tube. I may be way off base hear but I'm thinking I can make the same thing for around $10.00 paying retail for the material. Mine will probably not have the the fit and finnish of the sinclair but it will be functional.

Thanks for the help.


Using the the same tube micrometer I use to measure neck thickness I get 0.035 inches.


That's exactly the info I needed. I think I can buy a 48" tube for about $7.00 at my metals supplier.

Many thanks,

Guy's I thought about going the pvc route and decided to go with aluminum tube. Thanks for the suggestion though.

You might want to think about this some more.
PVC or CPVC will not react to the cleaning chemicals........
The inside coating is gone on the tube for the Brush rod. And I take off the cap to let the cleaning fluids drain out. The cap goes back on for transport.
You might want to think about this some more.
PVC or CPVC will not react to the cleaning chemicals........
The inside coating is gone on the tube for the Brush rod. And I take off the cap to let the cleaning fluids drain out. The cap goes back on for transport.

I didn't think that aluminum reacts with cleaning solvents. Dewey is now making jags of aluminum if there is an issue here I would be interested to hear about it.

i used half inch aluminum conduit and lined it with clear flexible poly tubing [ about 3/8 in.diameter] so that the rod coating never touches the aluminum. chemicals dont react with the poly as far as i can tell. the poly is available at most building type stores.