Since We Are Showing Our Firsts.....

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Since we have been showing and discussing our firsts recently, here is my first barreling job ;). I used a Remington 700 ADL action, a BDL stock, a BDL triggerguard and floorplate, a surface ground recoil lug,and a Rock Creek barrel blank. The reamer was a 30BR that I happened to have. I also made the fore end stabilizer as my first real project on my mini-mill. The stock was bedded with steel bed.

I trued the action face, bolt lugs, and bolt face, recut the receiver threads, and set the headspace so that I could use the same sizing die setting that I have been using with my 30BR benchrest rifles.

Overall I thought it didn't turn out too badly for a first effort, and it shot better than I anticipated.

Now I am truly hooked, and REALLY looking for a lathe of my own. Unfortunately there aren't any any my area that are within my budget, and it won't stretch far enough for a new lathe plus still shooting Benchrest ;) :eek:.



Jim Wooten…
Thanks for the post as you got me all excited. I can’t wait for my first build. What Lathe and Mill do you have?