Shoulder diameter of a 22-250AI



What is the Diameter of the shoulder on a 22-250 Ackley? and if you have one close how about the diameter at about 1.3 " from the base? Thanks

The 22-250 Ackley is a wildcat. The shoulder diameter will be whatever your reamer is. Usually, it is .454 to 455". The other dimension you asked would be dependant on the base diameter which will, again, vary dependant on the reamer, but probably not more than a couple of thou bigger than the shoulder.

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What Ray said...the print for the 22-250 AI reamer PTG supplied me shows a dia. of .455" at the shoulder, and .468" .200" in front of the bolt face.
Thats what I was looking for. I know it is a wildcat but was thinking about rechambering a 22br barrek and was hoping I can get it to clean up because I don't have much room to set the barrel back. thanks
Make it a dasher...

that wuld eliminate the old chamber and be a great cal...and you allready have the lapua brass....roger
Sorry don't have Lapua brass the only stuff I ever bought was junk.
Not picking at nits but the Ackley is, technically, not a wildcat but an 'improved' cartridge. (I'll go back to my cave now.)

You are correct, of course. Technically.:cool:

And picking at nits is OK. I've picked a few myself.

And speaking of nits, I was going to pick this one in my initial post but decided not to clutter up MRL's thread. But it's interesting that even old P. O. hisself did not call the cartridge an "Ackley", but labeled it, instead, simply the 22/250 Improved.

Somebody else probably improved the cartridge before him and he would not want the credit. If he was alive today he'd probably be astounded at how many cartridges bear his name.

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Yes you ARE picking nits Mickey, and you're RIGHT :D

This is BRC.......................may truth prevail.

good catch, come back out in the sun :)

Yes you ARE picking nits Mickey, and you're RIGHT :D

This is BRC.......................may truth prevail.

good catch, come back out in the sun :)

It's a curse I have to live with so far as getting all tecknycal with words. Comes from selling insurance 47+ years. You wouldn't believe how many people have claimed I said something years earlier that I know full well that I didn't say. They claim whatever it takes to bolster their case(s) on a questionable claim. I not only have to know what I say but I've had to know that they think I said. Ponder that for a minute.
Mickey the junk I had was the Lapua brass, I know I bought the only bad brass they ever made, but when I bought it it was a $1.05 a piece. The Norma brass bought at the same time was cheaper and more consistant so I am not in a rush to try Lapua again. The barrel I am thinking about reusing is a Shilen.
I had somebody from Lapua contact me about some bad brass. If you let the know it they may well replace it. I can understand the bad taste in your mouth about the brass but maybe you might be better served if you try it just one more time? I hope it works out well for you.
Was it .220 Russian or BR?
220 Russian But it was 10 yrs ago now and not worth messing with now, however thanks for the info.