Shot my first Service Rifle match.



Ok, im a F-class shooter and sporting rifle shooter, so I shoot scoped rifles. Buddy calls me up friday, says "hey, theres a service rifle match sunday, wanna shoot it? I'll let you use my M1..." So there i am shooting a rifle I've never shot, in position I've never shot, with open sights... Got third in class and 4th over all. Just want to tell all you open site guys, you got skills. Now, i got to convince the old lady to let me get a rifle, coat, glove...
Tell me about it! Was just starting to look for a action to build into a dedicated F-Class rig, now im thinking my 300 will do for a while longer so I can get a M1 or M1A.
'Open sights!?'

Ahem. Every U.S. service rifle since the later trapdoors and Krags had aperture rear sights, which were invariably used in bullseye competition as much superior to the open-notch 'battle sights' on those rifles. The M1 and later rifles have ONLY apertures for rear sights.
At any rate, welcome to the world of Highpower/military rifle competition!
mhb - Mike
You think you got it bad now. Wait until you get you first few LEG points.

You don't have to "convince" that.........

sweet woman; All you have to do is get it, and surreptitiously put it in a closet, or other area where you keep other such mysterious contraptions. Then, one day when you are putting it in a case to go to the range; She may say something like, "What is that?" "Rifle." "When did you get that?" "Oh, I've HAAD THAAT." "When did you get that?" Oh, I don't even remember, I think it was last year,year before, early." "I NEVER saw THAT." "Well, Dear, I really didn't think you were that interested in my guns, so, I never thought to mention it."(Do not, repeat NOT...even...CRACK a smile, here) "But I've never seen that ONE before." "Well, here Hon, take a look, its made:)(insert your favorite must-know info. here), got a really good(favorite method here, i.e. trade, barter, work for hire, etc.)deal on it from(do NOT mention a KNOWN friend here, she'll check:eek:......they ALWAYS do:eek::eek:)(a guy at the show, another guy at another club you met at a match, etc.) "Well, I've never heard you mention it before THIS." "Well, hey Hon, I didn't think you were that interested, but if you'd like, why don't you go to the range with me, I'll show you how to shooot iiiit, we can pakka luunnch, make a DAY of it." If she says "YES", you got a keeper:), or even "yes", there's a hope. If she goes and outshoots you(even if you let 'er), great, keep her interest up. (I hafta be honest here, though, I have no FIRST-HAND experience of this technique:rolleyes:, and this is provided to others for entertainment puposes only,;) I will neither confirm, nor deny, any direct knowledge of any aforementioned occurrences, and any resemblence to occurrences, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.) An' I'll swear to that!!:D
Ok, im a F-class shooter and sporting rifle shooter, so I shoot scoped rifles. Buddy calls me up friday, says "hey, theres a service rifle match sunday, wanna shoot it? I'll let you use my M1..." So there i am shooting a rifle I've never shot, in position I've never shot, with open sights... Got third in class and 4th over all. Just want to tell all you open site guys, you got skills. Now, i got to convince the old lady to let me get a rifle, coat, glove...

Before you invest in a "good" M1-A1 (.308) which are very competitive look at a good AR-15 DCM rifle. :):):) They are very competitive, cheeper to shoot, less recoil and less money (?) than a M1-A1. If my memory is correct the M1-A1 needs to be re-bedded about every 1,500 rounds to stay competitive.

The Bushmaster DCM .223 that I used would shoot 10 shot 1/2" groups off of sand bags at 100 yds with my 18 power scope on it after I worked up my best load with the "ladder test" which only took 16 shots. No scope on it in competition though.

"Aim small miss small", :D
