Shortening an AR M4 Chrome lined bbl


Paul Fielder

Are there any issues with cutting down a barrel that is chrome lined compared to others like ss??

A question was asked who is reputable to cut down his 16" when his form 1 comes back. Being strictly a black gun site, there were only one or two mentioned, but it seems to ma any smith worth his salt and chambers / cuts & threads bbl for br or precision rifles can cut a bbl down and thread to 1/2x28??

Someone mentioned the chrome lining needs extra attn. to avoid any chipping??

Any truth to this or is shortening a cutting /crowning a bbl basically the same regardless of steel or in this case....a lined bore.


Paul...I would cut it about 1/2" longer than desired and see what the effect is on the chrome guess is that there will be no effect...I have an action that has the Armoloy (hard chrome) finish on it and it was trued after did not chip or peal since the hard chrome penetrates the surface of the steel an is not brittle...
I didn't find any problem .

I bought a barrel that didn't have a flash hidder on it, and no threads, decided that I was going to put one on. Chucked it up and threaded it and put the FH on it, just so happened that the barrel was chrome lined. I cut the crown from the inside out with a sharp carbide cutter and had no problems at all, speed it up some when cutting chrome and move slow. Best of all, it shoots even better now than it did before. I put a Miculek Comp on it, what a difference that made to that rifle, nearly recoiless, and dead on accurate now.

I chucked it up in a four jaw chuck with an attachment on the rear of the barrel, (that I had to make) it was just about 1" short of making my spider. Got it all "0'ed" and did both the threads and the crown in the same set up. I don't care to do it between centers, I wanted them both done in the same set up and the center would not allow me to get to center of barrel. I had to "time" the FH to the barrel, that is some set up time with a height gage and a scribe, and timing it so that they would come out level with the barrel and stock. Not all that hard of a job, any GS should be able to do it with a minimum of effort, threading is the only chalenge to most people, not messing up the end of the barrel doing it. . . :rolleyes:
