I forgot to mention that the 17HMR is a model 93 rimfire. So it doesn't have the easy barrel nut assembly of the the centerfire Savage.
I saw a few cutters available from Sinclair(I think?) that were self-piloting off the bore. Can they be chucked in a drill to recut the muzzle after the barrel is cut off then finish the bore with a ball/compound arrangement or am I way off base.
I have some limited machine shop experience and I don't see how the barrel can be chucked to make an accurate cut perpendicular to the bore due to the sorry job that was done at the factory with the barrel cutting the profile. The barrel actually looks a little like corrugated pipe on the exterior on the last few inches before the muzzle. Also when you pull the bolt and look through the bore, the little circle of light at the other end cannot be made to look concentric. That leads me to believe that the bore is crooked. Somehow this gun still shoots close to MOA but not like a Savage 17 typically does which is 1/2 MOA or better with the few others I have shot.