Short .222 Rem



I recently bought some used 222 brass a gunshow. 44 were standard 222 brass and six were like a half inch shorter. They are stamped 222 REM FC. What are these shorties? They appear factory/not wildcats and are still .224. Got the whole bag for a dollar so I dont feel shorted.
They sound like .221 Fireball cases.

Don't know how they'd end up headstamped as .222's, but someone who knows how cases are produced might be able to answer that.

Check the headstamp. Does it read 222 REM or 221 REM?

If it reads 222 REM then it's probably a 221 Fireball case that someone made using 222 REM brass. A common practice.

What is the case length?

They are definetly marked 222 REM. They are 1 3/8" long. Sorry, I am TDY from home so I do not have my digital gage. I guess that is about 1.375. If someone reformed them I sure would like to find them cause they are the most factory looking reforms I have ever seen. Is they a way to post pictures in here?

The Fireball is 1.4". I'm sure that's what they are. I used to have a Fireball. 221 brass was expensive whereas 222 and 223 brass was mostly free. I made hundreds of them. After one firing you could not really tell, except for the headstamp.

Ray, Thanks for the quick reply. Makes sense to me. I just wish I could make my 30 Herretts as well.