Shooting Saturday April 12th



22 Rimfire Match and Air gun Benchrest match at Blackbelt Benchrest Club
Saturday Apr 12th, 9:00 am

• We will be holding two shootings matches on Saturday
• ARA and AirGun Benchrest
• You may shoot any 22LR rifle or pistol, scopes or open sights
• ARA match consist of 5 targets, 25 shots on each target in 20 minutes
• AirGun is 3 targets for each class, 25 shots in 20 minutes
• Match Director : Ronald Lewis, 334-341-2458

Directions to the range:
From Demopolis travel East on Highway 80, go past French Creek and turn left on County Road 2, ( if you get to mile mark 39 you just missed CR2), go across the railroad track and turn right just before the pasture on the right. . If you get to the white vinyl fence you just missed the turn. The range is about 300 yards on top of the hill.

GPS Co-ordinates:32deg30min52.80sec North

The weather forecast and the menu looks pretty good for some high scores and full bellies. Expect the temp to be about 80 degreesF, the wind about 3 to 4 mph from the NW and I'll be cooking whole chickens on the grill
I would love to come over and shoot with you guys , but 240 miles one way ,is a long way to go shoot 75 shots. And you're probably the closest for me . I live in Tyrone, Georgia , near Peachtree city . I need to find someone to split the cost with me ,one weekend and maybe I can swing it. I'll be asking around . Supposed to be pretty windy here tomorrow, maybe it'll lay down some over there by match time. Good luck. kirby
How'd you guys do with the wind yesterday? It's even worse today here in Georgia. Right now the weather channel saying 14 mph with gusts to 27mph and it supposed to pickup some more after noon .kirby
The wind was terrible and got even worse after lunch just in time for the air gun match :eek: We had a good time anyway even if the wind got the better of us. Come shoot with us sometime we have people that come farther than 240 mi to shoot. The winners of yesterdays match

Springer: Jeb Bailey

Match: Ron Williams

Unlimited: Ron Lewis

Kingsnake will post the scores tomorrow. Congratulations to Jeb on winning the springer class, it was his first ever air gun match.
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Results and post match report

We had a wonderful day shooting at Blackbelt this past weekend. These scores don't reflect very well on the accuracy of our rifles nor our ability to read the wind. We started the day out with a pretty reasonable condition 3-4 mph with a gust up to about 8mph. Pretty much everyone could handle the conditions while we were shooting ARA rimfire. Our good friend , Gene Corvin , came and continued his domination at my club although he is recovering from surgery. I tried to keep him in check but was a little short taking 2nd place and Charlie Holt enjoyed his ride back to Pensacola back-seat driving with 3rd. Ole Charlie sure was smiling knowing he would get to enjoy the post match celebration with Bert and Richard. I look forward to traveling down to Pensacola to shoot with you guys later this year. It looked as if Charlie had 2nd place all wrapped up until he realized that we were shooting 5 targets and the wind had increased to 20 mph by mid day.

We took a short break and enjoyed a large Smithfield ham hot off the grill. I had to change the lunch menu at the last minute due to a scheduling problem at our plant. (Cemex Inc Demopolis, AL). The plant suffered an unexpected kiln outage due to a broken drag chain on our main cooler about 0350 requiring my immediate attention until 0730. Fortunately , Mark Stillwell filled in for me helping folks get registered and taking care of last minute details at the range while I got our lunch going on the smoker and such.

By mid afternoon we started hammering away with our airguns. and the fun really started with 12-15 mph constant winds with gust over 25 mph. I ended up putting 3 concrete blocks on Mark's wind probe to keep it from blowing over in the gust. Jeb Bailey, a local Fireman came in first place shooting in his first organized match with a new Benjamin Springer Rifle.. We are very pleased to add him to our shooting list at Blackbelt and look forward to his return next month. ( More about Spring Gun Shooting later). Ron Williams took charge in Match rifle and I managed to hold off Jimmy Trammel in Unlimited.

Thanks to everyone for coming to the match. A special thanks to the guys that carried all of Gene's gear and getting him set up to shoot while he is recovering.

Guys, next match , I promise good conditions, well maybe.

Competitior Springer 1 x fm Springer 2 x fm Springer 3 x fm AGG TOTAL X Total
Mark Stillwell 93 0 136 0 135 0 364 0
Jeb Bailey 99 0 147 0 140 1 386 1
Jimmy Trammel 60 0 88 0 128 0 276 0
Ron Lewis 107 0 76 0 127 2 310 2
0 0
0 0
Competitior Match 1 x fm Match 2 x fm Match 3 x fm
Ron Williams 205 1 224 1 183 1 612 3
Jimmy Trammel 176 0 188 0 217 1 581 1
Ron Lewis 202 0 183 0 0 0 385 0

Competitior Unlimited 1 Unlimited2 Unlimited3
Ron Lewis 236 3 241 2 238 2 715 7
Ed Williams 176 1 222 1 212 0 610 2
Mark Stillwell 226 2 233 3 229 2 688 7
Jimmy Trammel 236 3 236 3 241 4 713 10