Shooting in the wind


New member
I know the hard core practice in hurricane winds but for the timid among us is there a wind speed at which practice is not generally productive?
The hurricane wind shooting can be fun at times unless the score actually matters lol. Had a few matches last year that provided exactly that and scores reflected that for sure. In my experience shooting those winds, you are right that practice is kind of pointless to a degree due to the fact that alot of crazy stuff can be going on that will seem to not be what the flags are telling you making you doubt yourself and the flags which is the last mindset you need to have. I would say for sure that lots of hardcore practice at or over 20mph of consistent winds would fall into your detrimental category. I think way more can be learned from a 10 mph switchy wind, that can be just as hard, but also not completely shatter your confidence in equipment and self. Some practice though is not a bad thing when the winds are stupid crazy though. Just not overdone. It will help also to force yourself into a bit of a corner when practicing wind shooting as well to use a timer to make it as close to real world as possible.

I shot an informal match this past weekend with a similar to IR 50/50 target where the winds were forecasted at 11-14mph and as bad switchy as I have seen in awhile that proved quite difficult. I ran down into seconds left on almost every target and needed every one of them. My only 2 missed shots came from trying to shoot a 'let-up' and I pulled the trigger just before the flags swapped directions which put my hold off in the opposite direction of where it should have been lol.

For what it's worth, a guy needs to be able to handle all wind situations. Matches aren't scheduled around the weather, they are scheduled for whatever happens. The best time to practice is when you can and learn how to do the best you can under all conditions. I often shoot at times on the back side of a gust and hold too the drop off. It all helps.
The hurricane wind shooting can be fun at times unless the score actually matters lol. Had a few matches last year that provided exactly that and scores reflected that for sure. In my experience shooting those winds, you are right that practice is kind of pointless to a degree due to the fact that alot of crazy stuff can be going on that will seem to not be what the flags are telling you making you doubt yourself and the flags which is the last mindset you need to have. I would say for sure that lots of hardcore practice at or over 20mph of consistent winds would fall into your detrimental category. I think way more can be learned from a 10 mph switchy wind, that can be just as hard, but also not completely shatter your confidence in equipment and self. Some practice though is not a bad thing when the winds are stupid crazy though. Just not overdone. It will help also to force yourself into a bit of a corner when practicing wind shooting as well to use a timer to make it as close to real world as possible.

I shot an informal match this past weekend with a similar to IR 50/50 target where the winds were forecasted at 11-14mph and as bad switchy as I have seen in awhile that proved quite difficult. I ran down into seconds left on almost every target and needed every one of them. My only 2 missed shots came from trying to shoot a 'let-up' and I pulled the trigger just before the flags swapped directions which put my hold off in the opposite direction of where it should have been lol.


I know what you mean about those switches. We shot a cf match in Somerset, Ky on Saturday. was some of the toughest wind I've shot in a long time, if ever. I know I need more practice for those conditions but I got my fill for a while on Saturday. ;)
I know what you mean about those switches. We shot a cf match in Somerset, Ky on Saturday. was some of the toughest wind I've shot in a long time, if ever. I know I need more practice for those conditions but I got my fill for a while on Saturday. ;)

When Tad,Carrie and I left the match Saturday we all agreed, we had shot stronger conditions but never as switching and tough. I also agree with above. Shoot any and all because you never know what you will get.
When Tad,Carrie and I left the match Saturday we all agreed, we had shot stronger conditions but never as switching and tough. I also agree with above. Shoot any and all because you never know what you will get.

Same here...I've shot bigger wind but we probably had 12-18mph wind much of the day with bigger gusts at times...but those switches were full force, instantly and constantly changing. Every flag doing something different, too. Definitely one of, if not the toughest conditions I can remember. And it lasted all day..maybe a tad better in the morning. You can usually wait for something shootable to come along but not Saturday. I shot terribly at 100 and wound up winning the 200 but I have no idea how I did.

Buckcreek is one of my favorite ranges. We shot two night matches there last year and one day. If a person hasn't shot there your missing out. I wish we was closer.