shooting 1,000 yard in PA need advice on front rest



Going to pa for 3rd time to shoot 1,000 yards
Have 6.5 x 284 rifle on 700 action and 40x stock.

Need some rest advice: namely heavy duty, machined adjustments for elevation, windage, etc....

Lots of confusing info out there but here are a few companies I'm considering.

Randolph Machine aka Fulghum
John Loh
JJ Industries
Bald Eagle

Thanks in advance

current rests expectation

The last three times at 1,000 yards alot of guys have one piece c&c ground stainless machinest/ gunsmith ground custom pieces weighing 50 lbs or so.
I've shot 3 times off rigs like that but they can be very expensive to buy custom gunsmithed.

So i'm looking for a extremly accurate and heavy front rest.
that would have fine adjustments for elevation and windage but would be solid and not get out of adjustment

Where are you shooting?? I love my farley! if it's at one of the shoots me and my friends go too you could try one of our rests we have 4 different ones between us.
I've had most of them and ended up with a Sinclair comp. model, it weighs around 35 lbs. It works fine......... jim
I believe Bill Johnston set a heavy gun score record at 600yds on 4-20-12 at the NBRSA Nationals aggregate 6 10 shot matches and won the 1000 yard NBRSA Nationals in 2012. He won them with a Shadetree Engineering and Accuracy coaxial top. He just ordered an additional rest top. I think it qualifies for your list.
Are you shooting a heavy gun or light gun? If it's a heavy gun that changes things. A lot of guys don't use a windage top for heavy gun, windage is adjusted by the rear rest. Light gun choices are endless, more a preference than anything.
If your asking me, i only shoot light guns and also use them as a heavy. i had Hart, Neo's, JJ's and the Sinclair. The weight of the Sinclair holds it down and it's solid even if you hit the stop too hard. The main thing is to get the gun to track and don't worry about the rest of the BS........ jim