Shooter of the year - 2008

Dick Wright

New member
Dave Brennan called to inform re: SOY final results.

COMPETITOR ..................... POINTS

1. Tony Boyer........................ 207
2. Harley Baker....................... 158
3. Mike Ratigan....................... 80
4. Larry Costa........................ 76
5. Wayne Campbell................. 74
6. Gene Bukys........................ 60
7. Bill Goad............................ 58
8. Jack Neary......................... 49
9. Joel Nader.......................... 34
10. Joe Krupa........................ 30

Familiar names all... Good shooting fellows.

Dick Wright

I just emailed you a reply and it bounced back. I don't know if my computer is screwed up or if something else has changed.

I'll try again later.

First of all, I would like to lay out a big congratulations to Tony for shooting so well this year,but being as he only "squeeked me" by 173 points I would like to throw down the gauntlet for a "mano a' mano" shooting challenge at the '09 Canastota winter leagues. Here's the rules!
#1 We both gotta shoot 3000 rd + barrels( if a four groove barrel is capable of making four marks on a bullet, it is illegal).
#2 We both gotta shoot Ward's bullets.(the ultimate equalizer).
#3 We both gotta shoot H322 from "Franks"( local gun shop).
#4 No ice augers will be allowed for setting flags.
#5 No hand warmers.
#6 No fancy winter clothes.
#7 No salting of the benches or concrete pad.
#8 If a competitor can not shovel his way to the firing line, He will be disqualified.

Actually Tony,if you were to come up to Canastota this winter, we would all be honored and delighted to see you. You can shoot whatever you want. We'll buy you and Faye breakfast, lunch and dinner and the keys to "the hacienda" are yours for the weekend !
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Congratulations Tony...

... that makes this the eleventh time for this award for you.

Great job to all the other top nine finishers.

And to you, Mr. Nader, who trounced me soundly by a substantial four point margin: I now am no longer "the Benchrest Monster from Detroit" (or Jersey Shore).
You'll always be the "Bench Rest Monster", but it's a good monster, like "Sully"from Disney's "Monsters Inc." or the "Cookie Monster" from Sesame Street. Everybody's glad to have you around !
Congratulations to Tony and all in the top 10. Especially Joel as he was pretty well raised a Canadian, for trouncing Kroop. I wasn't going to mention anything about that as I don't like starting any kind of trouble like some of the other Canadians [I won't mention any names].:D
Congratulations to TB & Harley

You guys really put on a show at both Nationals this year. It was impressive to watch.

TB got 11 points this year. I believe it is the 4th time he has gotten enough in one year to get in. What an accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations again!!