Shoot Pensylvania June 17, 2018 Fairchance Results


Active member
Well FAIRCHANCE gave out a FATHERS DAY KISS to all 18 shooters that came out to shoot..[Correction 16 adults and 2 Junior shooters]. Light wind, 86 degrees 80% humidity BUT SWITCHY and TWICHY as all get out. You snooze you dropped points. Think about where to aim, condition changed. Either quick or @######## What is that?
But back to who got it right TODAY.
1 Jason Frymier 748-47 X
2.Gary Hittie 747 -42X
3 Michael Poole 744-36X
Great Match , Smooth Running, lot of fun.
Thanks to all who came out to play
Next match July 15 2018
Not a bad turn out for a SOTY match on Fathers Day
That's a great turnout Jerry!

Congrats to Jason, Gary and Mike... Fairchance is as tough a range as there is when the wind is switching like that.

And how about a little shout out to Jerry who shot a 250 14x on target 2! Way to go Jerry those were tough conditions! Are you sure that was your target? LOL:confused: