
There can't be that many kid's on the bus Dan, since it is the short one. I know they don't let you drive the big bus.:eek::p;)

Joe Hynes
There can't be that many kid's on the bus Dan, since it is the short one. I know they don't let you drive the big bus.:eek::p;)

Joe Hynes

And I thought we were friends Joe. If you are going to Dublin, Friday I plan on having a 20lb plus or minus ham cooked to have sandwiches for lunch. I did that at River Bend and it was well received.

Dan Honert
I plan to arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday unless I can't stand waiting (high probability). See y'all there.
Not Irish

Hey Tommie.
Happy St. Patrick's day, you old Irishman.

Francis , thank you for the " Happy St. Patrick's Day" but I'm not Irish... As you know my name is Tommy McKee.. My name ends in a vowel.. Everone knows if your name ends in vowel,
you are Italian.
Happy St. Patricks to you too,,,, yooooza good boy
Don't do it

Think we can get Larry to bring the aigs to Dublin? This will be the 3nd Hickory match I've missed in the last 20 years.



You have to be there. You're the only one to protect me.. Shehane is too slow to protect me from shooters w/background in Karate