Seymour texas unlimited national format money shoot 100 yard results


Tomball Gun Club
Seymour Texas Unlimited National Format Money Shoot 100 yard results

The weather for todays match in Seymour was about as good as it gets for this time of the year.

Temp 105

Winds 5-15 mph!!!:D

The results (8-10 shot groups @100 yards) are as follows;

Mike Conry .218 (World Record L Bruno 9-17-2007 .2165)

John Horn .259

Mike Bryant .261

Butch Fjoser .262

Sam Arnette .275

Jackie (30BR) finished 11th with a .319. He had to drop his load because of the high temps and could not get it up to speed.

He will post a detailed account of his findings on Monday and will contest the 200 yardage with the 30BR.
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Jackie (30BR) finished 11th with a .319. He had to drop his load because of the high temps and could not get it up to speed.

He will post a detailed account of his findings on Monday and will contest the 200 yardage with the 30BR.

These atmospheric conditions ought to put Jackies 30BR to a pretty good test as far as tunability relative to fairly large atmospheric changes are concerned;

From low 70's temperatures and moderate humidity of 66% at 8am in the morning to high temperatures of a near 100 and humidity of 28% at 3pm in the afternoon.

If Jackie were shooting a 6PPC, I would say this was perfect 8208 weather conditions. Dont know how a 30BR handles these atmospheric spreads.

Seems like the top 5 were handling the conditions pretty well. Anytime that you can keep 10 shot groups in the .2s, both gun and shooter are dialed in.

Noticed that there is a "tornado alert" on for the general area, hope everyone stays away from the twisters............Don

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Sam, glade to see you in the top five. Sam called me looking for a rail gun just as I was finishing the last ones I'm going to make and got the last one. I was glade to see him get it, he's a hell of a shooter and a good guy. Sorry I forgot the sheath for the knife Sam I'll get one out to you this week.
Bob Dodd
P.S. Butch is shooting one of my rails too way to go Butch.
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