Several new Sporter Records


Active member
I want to congratulate Tony Harper on the 2 new sporter records he shot this weekend. Te 1st of the weekend was the Sporter 6 Gun Agg record. Tony shot an incredible 1496 w 95x's beating the previous record by 13x's. Glad he left a little room for improvement for the future!:rolleyes:
TKH's 2nd Sporter record of the weekend was even more jaw dropping. He set the new Sporter 10 shot AGG record of 500 besting the old score of 414.To average 100 over 5 targets was just incredible to see. Great shooting Tony.
I think TD Junior is every bit as deserving recognition as the Spec rifles myself but I'm biased. I like sporters.
The other Sporter record that was approved this weekend was Tony Picarelli's Sporter Meters Agg he shot last month. His new World record is 750 w/42x's. Congratulations Tony!
All the above records are should hold for quite some time.
Congrats to you both!

New sporter record

Congrats to all the guys who competed at the Nationals this year and a special
congrats to Tony Harper who set two new records this passed weekend
Tony, you gotta watch out for that Keith guy cause I think he has a close eye on those records
Bob and I hope to be back soon. Until then, stay safe and God bless you all.
Tony's Sporter Record

Congrats Tony for the new Sporter Agg National World Record...
Good Shooting !!

Bob Hill