See you at Yukon, MO?

Terry Balding

New member
Yukon, MO will be my first match of the new year. I can barely wait!
Will I see you there?

I'm bring two new guns this year, a 6 Dasher built by Lester Bruno, and a .284 Shehane built by Jay Cutright.

If you have not been to a Match at Yukon you are missing something special. Robert is a super nice guy with a great range and his family cooks for us. The food is reason enough to go.
Hi Terry, Glad you are going to be at Yukon. It's a long way from WI. Last year was my first season there. I brought my grandson and my son will be joining us this year. Yes the food is great, and Robert and family does a great job. See you there, Mike
Mike, Terry, all;
We're looking forward to seeing everyone soon. I've heard from several, and we should have a great couple of matches. The forecast is decent at this point, and I'm hoping that it holds out. The weather this entire winter (or lack thereof) has been incredible.

Please note: Due to being on "Standard Time", these first matches (3/3 & 3/4) will begin at 9AM, rather than the usual 10. Last year we ran very close on getting the first matches in, and actually didn't shoot the second match of Factory. We will have sight-in prior to the matches from 7:30 - 8:30.

If anyone should have questions, feel free to contact me. Drive safe.

Robert Ross
Midwest Benchrest