"Search" Function

Haven't used this feature much since the forum presentation changed, but did I miss something...???...seems that any and all threads from 2009 are gone...???...at least when trying to search...
Hi Kent,

The competition forum only goes back to 2009. The centerfire benchrest goes back for those posts prior to 2009.

I did a search yesterday and have posts from 2008 displayed on the centerfire benchrest forum.

Some of the other forums later on as well.

Bill McIntyre
Archives Search Function

Type in archives in the "search box" at the top right of the page then click it. Some threads go back to 2006. Also try archive "advanced search"" and see what happens. If that don't help you're SOL. =)

Hope this helps...... V
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I thought I'd bring this one back to the top again as I'm experiencing the same thing.

There is definitely a block of threads missing.

Depending on your search term, there might be as much as 24 months missing.

Try it yourself....either search within the forum, or go to the advanced feature.
Type in a term that you know is frequently used on this site.
On the advanced feature, change the "sort results by" from "relevance" to "date", and "in descending order".

For example "powder"
The search result shows a comprehensive result back to June'10, but nothing earlier from 2010.
There are 2 posts for all of 2009.
And it picks back up again with the middle of 2008.

Did people just not post as much about powder from the middle of 2008 to the middle of 2010?
I sorta got the idea that when Wilbur changed servers or software or toilet paper or something back a ways, a swag of stuff went missing when he did the transfer over. I recall that overnight, I couldn't look back at last week's threads & then some.

But then again, I've never had all that much success with the search function.
I might be remembering the wrong forum, but didn't Wilbur have some difficulty with the site back around the time you guys are talking about, and say that a block of posts went to the bit bucket? Or maybe they never got transferred over to this forum? Something in my mind remembers a public notice thing at the top of the page about this.
I have just tried searches on two common subjects and they go back to February 2006. I used the words benches and Stump.

Concho Bill
I just did the same search on "Benches" and came up with no results for 2009. Yes, it covered 2006/7/8/10...

John's post above also rings a bell, and I am thinking he even posted a question about this back around that time. And, as my memory keeps getting jogged, I'm not sure I didn't offer to help with the database...
I tend to post regularly. When I look up my own old posts, I have nothing from 6/15/2008 until 5/27/2010 - that last being when I complained to Wilbur & Elmer that I couldn't log in to the new software without issues most of the time.

Looks like that's about the range of postings that might be difficult to find these days with the search function.
Did ya find Ole Stump? I been searchin' far 'n wide, but aint found him yet. Seems that when times git hard, folks like Stump git hard ta find.


I agree to this Constitution with all its faults—if they are such—and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other. Benjamin Franklin