scoring an ara target



ive scored alot of targets and with expierience you get rather good at it, you can tell which ones need to be plugged and which ones will likely win or loose the plug,but they need to be done to show the competitor. at all these different clubs you hear alot of different oppinions on the close ones,can a shot be out even though their is a little bit of blue showing around the worst edge and can a shot be good if their is no blue showing around that edge ,i know what i think but we need to now what everyone else thinks thanks
It's a good article buzzard but it's not a rule and does it answer your question? I mean you state this "you can tell which ones need to be plugged and which ones will likely win or loose the plug,but they need to be done to show the competitor" and I agree that there are some that need to be plugged just so you show the competitor so you seem to have that down. Now are you asking if there is blue and it's plugged can it be out? In my opinion, no. Are you asking if there is not blue and it's plugged can it be in? That's the "curvature of the circle" rule I guess. I think in that case no, it's not in. Just opinion but if I was scoring, it would be out. I guess I go back to BR-50 days "when it doubt it's out". No blue on a plug would cast doubt. Now that's not an ARA rule but neither is the "curvature of the circle".

I would venture to guess that the most missed call in ARA is a shot that is close to the 25 line but appears to be a clear 50 and therefore never plugged. I bet over 50% of the time if plugged it will be out. Just a thought.
If the blue is showing it can be out. Only a plug knows for sure. The reason being the hole in the paper appears smaller than the bullet hole with the edges sticking out into the center. When the plug is inserted these edges are pushed down. So if there is only a tad of blue showing you really need to insert a plug to tell for sure if it is in or out, whether that tad of blue is in the frayed area or not. Also need the side if the plug in question to have proper light as the blue and shadows can appear the same color.
Rich in Kansas
You're right about the blue showing and it can be out. However, your reasoning is a little off. The reason it could be out is maybe the round was fired through a rifle with a tight choke, thus making the bullet hole smaller than .224 which is the size of the scoring plug. Consequently, the plug actually increases the size of the hole to standard.
The best example I can offer is in airgun competition it's legal to shoot .177, .20, and .22 cal. pellets, and ALL targets are scored using a .22 cal. plug. Hope this helps. Fred

Back when I was shooting BR-50 airguns, we had to use .177 pellets and the targets were scored with a .177 plug.. Have things changed to where they are using a .22 cal plug for .177 holes..??


Back when I was shooting BR-50 airguns, we had to use .177 pellets and the targets were scored with a .177 plug.. Have things changed to where they are using a .22 cal plug for .177 holes..??



Yes they have. At next years world rimfire and air rifle all scores will be measured using a approved 22 cal. gauge. One gauge for the three calibers in air rifle. It;s been like that when they introduced air rifle BR 2 or some years ago.

Since I have been running my club's RBA matches this year I have gotten more interested in the scoring although I have somebody else doing it for me. One thing I have come to realize is that the hole in the back side of the paper is not necessarily concentric with the grease mark on the front of the paper. Two bullet holes that are an identical distance from a ring might score differently due to the way the paper tore as the bullet passed through. I had this situation on my own target at an earlier match and if you looked at the backside of the target you could see why the one hole scored in and the other scored out. The one that scored in had a big unbroken section of 'tear pattern' oriented toward the ring and the one that scored out had a similar tear pattern but pointing away from the ring. I bought an optical scoring device and like it much better but of course it's not legal to use.
Perhaps in the Air Rifle your Shooting, however, in 10 meter Olympic Match shooting .177 you need .177 plug!!!

Mike Sutton
Former Olympic Shooter
Clearly there is going to be some level of judgement involved in scoring for numerous reasons, therefore, I don't really believe there is a wrong answer to buzzards question. We can only hope those scoring our targets are fair and when in question seek second and third opinions to get it right!

Yes...I am not familiar with Air Rifle other than High School, College or Olympic where your scoring plug is not based on the caliber your shooting...Sorry...Whether it is Sporter Rifle , Benchrest Rimfire or Benchrest Centerfire or Air Rifle 10 meter they all use the same caliber scoring plug as the Rifle there shooting. Don't this disipline BR Air Rifle shoot at paper targets?

Yes but we can shoot several different calibers and a larger hole would score better than a smaller one. To make the calibers score the same, we score them all as if they were a 22 caliber.
On worst edge scoring, the smaller hole would score better
Well, yes but we are talking international BR which is best edge.....regaurdless, they would score the same independent of the caliber shot.
Okay Don
The question was about ARA scoring. No mention of international. .177 plugged witha .177 plug has a distinct advantage over .224 on worst edge.
Well, yes but we are talking international BR which is best edge.....regaurdless, they would score the same independent of the caliber shot.

That's just confusing. If you had two targets with 25 shots and the center of the shot was exactly the same on the 25 shots of each target and one was a .22 and the other a 50 cal, they would score the same?
The options are 177, 20 and 22. Yes, with the centers in the same place, if you use the same 22 plug for all shots, the targets will score the same.