Score match @ "The Rock", 22 May.



We`ll be shooting @ 100 yds. 9:00 am., or there abouts. We were glad to see more factory class guys last match (200 yds.). I hope more come out, doesn`t take a high dollar gun to have some fun... See you later, Bob Y., Dennis, & Jeff.
Looking forward to it.

Steve are you coming down ?

Roy ?
George W. ?

Tommy (from down east) ?

I will probably be down, they are shooting in Fairfax Saturday also but I can go to the Rock and back home in the time it takes to get to Fairfax. I don't know if Johnny boy will come or not, might be in the hay field. Steve
You have to kept a keen eye on cousin Roy.

He's a might sneaky with that chicken foot.

The "ROCK", Score shoot AND.......

I know this really short notice, but listen up. Anyone who has "stuff" to sell, swap, BRING IT! Might as well have a "range sale"... See you tommorrow, Bob Y.