


I need some advice on AG scopes, particularly for Springers. Who makes a 24X+ scope that will work on a springer, and where can I find one? I saw a Leapers 8x32 variable on one website, but don't know if they are a quality scope. Also, will my Weaver V-24 work on a SSP gun?
For your scope question I would go to
or yellow forum.

If your getting a springer get one like Ron Lewis or call Paul Watts.

I am going to see if he would detune my RWS.

For springers, due to the shock/vibration set up by the piston, a scope has to be rated for air rifles. The springers will tear a conventional scope apart internaly in short order. That said, for ssp or co2 or pcp any scope will work, providing it is able to focus down to the desired range. 10m is a minimum (33 ft). Leopold has or use to list at least one EFR model rated for the springers.

Keep in mind that a 24x at 25Y would be equivalent to a 48x @ 50. I've actually been thinking about down sizing my 36x to an 8x x 32x, or even a 6.5x x 20x as it would make the gun a whole lot more versatile for using when it comes to thinning out the lawn and garden vermin that are everywhere.

Leupold makes a 6.5 x 20 EFR for Air Guns that is listed in Bruno's add in Precision Shooting, and, even though it's more than some scopes, it's a lot cheaper than their other 6.5 x 20 EFR scope.

If you check the link I provided to Straitshooters and scroll down to the bottom of the list , They list the 6.5x20x40 EFR and a couple of Weavers that are heavy recoil rated for Springers . And if you'll check with Jim at Precision airguns he offers the dot reticle in the EFR for $50 more. These two dealers I've linked to have been in the airgun business for a while and are a great resource for information. Just call them. kirby
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Thanks Guys,
I would have replied sooner, but I've been overwhelmed with the amount of info and number of websites you come up with when you do a search for anything Airgun related! Lot's of stuff to sort through!

I'm going to call Jim at Precision to see what they have to offer. I see they're holding AGBR matches, so it seems he might know what I'm looking for(since I don't!)
A friend of mine just bought a Leupold 6.5x20x40 EFR, from Jim along, with an Air Arms 410 ERBSL . I haven't seen it yet , but he says it's the clearest scope he's ever owned. I'm supposed to see it tomorrow if he shows up for work day at the range tomorrow and If it doesn't rain us out. I'll let you know what I think of it . I almost bought one (EFR) until I heard that AirArms were going up on there prices approx. 10% , so I ordered another S400H Classic in .177 . This ones going to be a dedicated bench gun, that I'm going to restock eventually. After only 300 pellets through it , it's looking like it's going to be one of my best shooters . kirby
I got a chance to look through the Leupold EFR and it's one super nice scope. Someday I'm going have to get one . kirby