Scope question



Putting together my first BR custom rifle - 6.5x47. Will be putting a nightforce 12x42 NXS scope on top.

Question: Since I will be shooting 99% of time from 100 to 600 yds is there a "best" reticle for these distances. Just seeking some input from those of you that have tried more than one reticle and have finally settled on what you like best and why.
Have you looked at the BR needs before deciding these parameters for this rifle? Are you going to shoot registered benchrest matches or just targets from a bench at those distances? Registered Group matches are for the most part 100, 200 for NBRSA and for IBS they have 100, 200 and about twice a year 300. For Score both organizations have the same thing 100, 200 and once in a blue moon 300. Then you go to 600 yards for Long range IBS competition and for the most part these are the same rifles as the 1000 yard light Guns, but the barrels have been changed for the 600 yard cartridges. At anyrate about the only use in registered BR for the 6.5x47 Lapua is 600 yard BR which is score and group at the same time. For this use you would be using for the most part a light 1000 yard gun. With that in mind the HEFT of the nightfarce scope wouldn't be a problem, however if you plan on shooting 100, 200, 300 yards score or group mathces be carefull how heavy a scope you put on that rifle, and what stock you build with. There are different parameters for stock taper for 1000 yard BR and for "Point Blank" close range. For group you would need to meet 10.5 pounds to compete for LV and 13.5 pounds for HV. Good scopes are good scopes. Heavy scopes are heavy. Winning scopes are ones that are good and don't put a rifle over weight.

What was the question? Oh yeah the reticle.... I would choose whichever reticle makes a 35 ounce Nightfarce weigh 20.3 ounces like a Leupold, or 24 ounces like a March.

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