Scope Mounting



There has been a great deal of talk about mounting scopes with both rings forward of the turrets. Most reports have indicated favorable results. No point arguing with success but does anyone have any factual reasons to support this change?
The way I saw it, is if you read it on the internet, it's so, then it's the only way. At least, some people see it that way. So far on the tests I've done, there was an extreme amount of shift between shots on my Hall. Haven't tried it on my Win 52D or Suhl. Only way to prove this recommendation, is to try it. Remember, only make one change at a time and keep a record of the results
The idea behind this is that the scope and receiver are made of different metal. As the steel and aluminum heat or cool at the range the metals expand or contract at different rates and cause stresses on the aluminum tube and can cause shift. If your just starting a target and then the sun comes out and is nice and bright on the scope it may start warming up quicker than the large bedded action causing the thin aluminum scope tube being clamped nice and solid to the steel action, something is going to give.