Scope for 500+ yards



I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

What would be a good scope for a 7MM mag, target shooting 90% of the time? Range 500+ yards.
Budget $500 new or used.
I am just afraid of buying a big optics but cheap made.
Illusive optics

For 500 yds target shooting you need quality optics and enough power to see the point of impact. I don't know where you could buy even second hand high power quality optics for under $500 unless you get lucky. You may have to increase the budget some.
Things never change ?
I shot regisiterd Trap for over 40 years and quit this winter . Now I,m looking to play with Rifles .
There is no free lunch never was . Good stuff cost good money ?

I have read a lot of post on trap sites and a new shooter would like to buy a (real) trap gun and can spend up to 500 bucks . A GOOD TRAP GUN COST 8/10,000
All I can say is good luck and save your money untill you can buy the stuff you need .
maybe you could describe the rifle.....and the load...'cause while you want to shoot 500 plus if the rifle is not truely up to the task why get over your head with a $500 scope???
( and yes he is probably right 500 is entryl evel.....)

mike in co
Depends, is this a factory hunting barrel? If so your probably not going to do so well! Is it glass Bedded and the barrel free floated if not this needs to be done. Basically you need to have a heavier barrel, Glass bedded , possibly some trigger work. This is what we shot while I was a member of the Navy rifle team except ours were built by SAMTU Gunsmiths and they were 30.338 and I believe we utilized Redfield 3200 in 20X. Good platform but by todays standards not as acceptable!