


What kind of scales do you use to weigh rifles and components for rifles? I think I want something that handles up to about 20 pounds with maybe 1/10th of an ounce accuracy. I seem to find plenty that cost a bundle. Is there anything around $100 or so?
Do a search on ebay for postage scale. Lots of suitable scales for around $25 including shipping, been using a digitech for a couple years and its very accurate.
I use an Ultraship 50 from My Weigh along with a set of NBRSA weights that I bought from Pat Burton, NBRSA secretary. It weighs pretty accurately, and use it a lot for getting total rifle weights as well as package weights for UPS. It will read in lbs and ounces, lbs in decimal format or grams. The grams work well for mixing up marine tex by weight. Here's a link to a place I found the 55 model on line which is the replacement for the 50. I don't know anything about the company, but that they list it for sale at a reasonable price.